11- Will Solace, did you know it's all my fault?

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Piper, Annabeth and Percy took us to what in the past may have been a café, but was now desserted. They sat around a table and urged us to do the same.

Jason took the seat next to Piper, while Reyna and I rolled our eyes, embarrased by his childish behaviour.

"So, you guys know my mother?" Percy asked

"Yeah, Mrs Jackson is pretty kind" I answered "You guys could all move with her"

Annabeth, who was drinking a glass of water, nearly choked on it.

"Move?" She asked.

"Why not?" I replied

"Well..." Words never left her mouth, as if she was thinking of something that just wouldn't pop up in her head.

"It's settled, then" Percy smiled "We'll leave today!"

"Tomorrow" Reyna corrected "We leave tomorrow, and we need someone to take the map because I am done with Miss 'You need to tell me three hours before making a turn'"

"Hey, if you would just tell me a few minutes before-" I interrupted

We all ended up laughing over the table, and I felt the preassure in my chest lighten.

But then a blond boy appeared and the preassure returned, falling on me like a rock and leaving me splattered on the ground.

"Oh, Will" Annabeth tried to sound casual, but lies were noticiable in her voice "What are you doing here?"

"I heard we had newcomers!" He said, cheerfully.

I stood up, my expression grim and my gaze fixed on the floor.

"This is my battle to fight, guys" I said "Do not follow me"

I started walking, grabbed Will by his arm and dragged him to another room.

"Where are we going?" He asked, slightly panicked "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" I asked

"Will Solace"

I sighted. There was really no escape now.

"I'm Hazel" I lowered my head "Nico's sister"

"Nico?" His face lighted up and his smile was as bright as the Sun "Is he here?"

I decided to tell him the whole truth.

"Nico died a while ago. He was bitten and then begged me to kill him. You are never going to see him again"

Clouds covered his Sun. He looked down and started crying.

"Before he died," i continued "He told me to find you, and to tell you that he loved you with all his heart"

Now Will was sobbing into his knees and I was akawardly standing there.

When the sobs grew quieter, I sat in the floor beside him.

"He liked the stars, you know. He told me that, everytime we see them, he would be there, waving from there"

Great, now he was sobbing once more. Fantastic job, Hazel! Is there anything else you can do to break him up anymore?

"He also said, that if we survive and the world goes back to the way it was, we should not forget how the stars look like"

I had done it. Will kept crying and I didn't know what to do, or if I could do something. Finally, I opted for looking into his eyes.

"It's all my fault" I said

"B-but how can it be your fault?" He asked

"Since this all started" I took a deep breath in "everything has been my fault. Well, way before this. Just pin the blame on me, if it makes you feel better. That's what everyone does"

I got up without another word and leaved.

That night, sleep would not come to me, and dark thoughts invaded my brain.

Would anyone really care if I was gone?

I started walking through the empty corridors, towards a window.

Would they mind if I weren't there?

I opened the window, tears staining my face, and stared into the darkness of the night.

Because I wasn't really needed, was I? I just messed things up.

Jumping into the void was tempting, but before I could do so, a hand grabbed my wrist.


I looked up. It was Frank.

I couldn't keep it up anymore. I was broken. I fell to my knees and sobbed, as the stupid worthless girl I was. Everything was my fault. I could not do anything right.

Meanwhile, Frank closed the window and crouched beside me. When he saw I was crying, he hugged me.

Being in his arms felt... safe. 

I broke completely, tearing my heart appart and sobbing into him until I could not do so anymore.

Frank was stroking my hair and holding me tight until I stopped shaking.

"I'm here" He whispered "And I'm not leaving"

"You should have let me die" I hiccuped

"Why would I?"

"World would be better without me" I said, slowly shaking my head and covering my ears "You would be better without me"

"No, that's not true" He said "It's not-"

"It is true! Because this all started in my kitchen!" I yelled

"Hazel, you're having a panic attack" He said, calmly "You need to breath"

"It's all my fault!"I screamed

He hugged me again, this time more tightly.

"Shh, it's ok. I'm right here"

"My mother abused me and she started all of this" I said, all at once, before breaking into sobs once more.

But he didn't leave. He did not...

"Why are you still here?" I screamed "Aren't you... scared? Grossed out?"

"Hazel, I love you" He said "I've always known there was something special about you, when you killed that zombie and saved my life. What our parents do doesn't define us, but our actions do. You have always had some kind of shell around you, and it's ok. I didn't leave you then, and I'm not leaving you now. Breath..."

"I love you, too" I whispered, before collapsing into the ground, blood pouring from my mouth.

Oh, it's time for confessions!!!! Hazel having a mental breakdown in the middle of the night, destroying Will Solace... What else can I do to break this characters?

Sorry (not sorry;), and thanks for reading.

Julieta <3

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