5- You raid my shelter, you might as well be dead!

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A month without Nico, and I was still broken. I would never heal, and my heart seemed made of ice. I would never, ever love again. It only brought misery and sadness. 

I moved into a very big walmart. I had to kill about a dozen zombies or so in order to make it mine, but I finally conquered it.

Food seemed endless. There were toilets and lots of freezed food that did not spoil. There were sofas were I could rest confortably and blankets to keep warm, as winter had started.

I'd only had to put a big lock on the door and the building was mine.

I didn't go out as ofter then, and never during nightime. I could not bear to see the stars, it just reminded me of the wonderful brother I'd just lost.

I had a calendar which was useless right now, but I liked it because it showed how much time had we humans lost in the Apocalypse.

I stared at the date, and found out my birthday had been two weeks ago. I was fourteen now. Yay! Happy Birthday to me!

The thought made me wanna puke. I pushed it all away and prepared myself for a new adventure. I'd decided that cities were a dangerous place. Zombies kept trying to enter my shelter and military operations sometimes were so noisy that attracted hundreds of zombies.

I wanted to escape to the mountains. I could grow my food, keep animals, and it would be quiet. Also, being in the city just reminded me of Nico. And I was living alone. I could not mourn. I needed to be alert or I would die.

So I packed as much canned food as I could carry, as well as some drinks and a first aid kit. I put on a white short sleeved shirt and jeans, which was my travel outfit. I put a bandana in my head and grabbed my sword, which I'd grown very fond of.

I took one last sight at what had been my home for nearly a month. It was sad to leave it, but I pushed the feelings away.

Suddenly, I heard the noise of glass shattering. Someone was breaking in.

I sighted. Why did that always happen to me?

I held on my sword and prepared to hunt down.

Who I saw first was a blond boy with bright blue eyes. I took him down in two hits and tied him to a stand. Next, I saw a latina girl who looked like a firce and mighty warrior. I caught her from the back and tied her next to the boy.

"If you dare to move, I'll show no mercy" I told them, cold as ice "You dare to raid my shelter, and you might as well be dead"

I got a whimper from the boy as a response. 

I heard noises from behind, which meant there was at least another survivor.

I ran towards the source of the noise, and found another blonde boy running away all alone, while zombies started to enter trough the broken window.

Great. Just great. If I wasn't planning to leave before, then I'd deffinetly be now. 

Zombies moaning were distracting me. I was starting to trace another plan, when-

"Look out!"

A really tall and bulky boy pushed me to the side. I was about to scream and kill him, when I realized that there was a zombie right next to where i was before. It would have bitten me...

Had the boy just... saved my life?

I stared at the zombie, and horror drew in my face. It was scratching the boy, sho was now lying uncouncious.

"Oh no you won't!" I raised my sword and killed the zombie right away.

The boy was bleeding badly. If he didn't get any help, he would die. I should leave him, I thought. But how can you leave to die someone who saved your life?

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