Wake Up

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I began to get my senses back slowly. I smelt chemicals and hand sanitizer, I heard a beeping of what I guess was a heart monitor, I felt the fabric of a blanket cover me and something in my arm, I tasted the saliva and slight blood in my mouth. Once I opened my eyes I looked around as saw bright lights causing me to close my eyes once more. 

After a bit I slowly opened my eyes again letting them adjust. I was in a medical room, whether a hospital or nurses office I didn't know.  

I felt weak.

'Oh ya, they don't know I need to charge to regain energy. I'm lucky I had enough to wake up.' 

I slowly sat up and looked around I seemed to be in the nurses office. Looking to my side I saw a heart monitor and a needle in my arm with a liquid going in it. Looking to my other side I saw a curtain acting like a wall. 


I soon heard footsteps coming toward the room I was in. Looking at the door I waited for the person to enter. 

Not long after the door opened to reveal Aizawa and Recovery girl. Once they saw me looking at them they froze for a second before fully entering the room and closing the door. They both made there was to two seats I didn't notice earlier to my side. Once they sat down they looked at me and there was a moment of silence. 

I looked down at me for a moment to see I'm still in my hero costume except my helmet was gone. 

'So I couldn't of been out that long.' I thought.


"So" I heard Aizawa speak. I looked over at the two now focusing on them. "Want to tell us what happened? Maybe some information you holding back on your.. situation." His voice was gruff and serious. 

I looked at them with a face that said 'How do you expect me to respond?'. Recovery girl seemed to realize and handed me my phone. Taking it from her and giving a nod of thanks I began to type. 

"That is the first time that has happened. It seems the block is progressing much faster and my condition has gotten worse." 


"There has to be something that can be done. My quirk can't do anything you are to low on energy and it doesn't seem to have gotten better. I wonder why?" Recovery girl spoke. 

I rolled my eyes lightly and went into one of the few pockets I had in my costume. What I grabbed was some emergency batteries, they were the strongest ones I could find. Before either of  them could react I popped them in my mouth and ate them. Almost immediately they could see my energy go up and I looked less weak. 

"Your quirk would not fix anything anyway, this is not a physical damage or even much of an internal damage. It is like a sickness, your quirk would have no effect." I typed. Recovery girl nodded lightly but looked upset figuring out she cant help. 

"Why did you just eat those battery's?" Aizawa spoke up now. 


"No, I want an explanation!" He exclaimed. 


I rolled my eyes before typing a response. 

"My quirk, It is different from others that much you should be able to tell. In order for me to get energy of any kind I need to either charge or eat battery. My quirk effects me in a way to where I don't need to eat normal food or drink anything in order to live and obtain sustenance. I simply need to charge like a phone, a computer or even an electric car, or I just eat battery's. By simply sleeping or eating normal food I will not gain any energy." 

He took a moment to thing before responding. 

"Why is this not in your records?" 

"Didn't want anyone to know. As they say 'never let them know your weakness'." 


There was a moment of silence between all of us. No one seemed to know what to say. They barley knew me only the little I told and the little in info I gave on my file. They wanted to help but they knew they couldn't and only I could but it was taking time, and that was something I was running out of. 

"Once you rest a bit you may leave. School had ended a few hours ago so you can go home, but I suggest you refrain from using your quirk to much until you are better." Recovery girl spoke breaking the silence. 

I nodded in response and she gave a small smile before getting up and leaving. Now it was just me and Aizawa. 

"I want to help you kid, but I can't do that if you don't tell me anything." He spoke out. I shook my head in response and typed my response.        

"Now matter how much I told you there would still be nothing you could do. Do not make it your priority to try and heal me as I am the only one that can do anything at the moment." 


He let out a sigh in response looking down at the ground in thought. He knew I was right but I was his student he should be able to take care of me and do something. He should be able to keep me safe, but he couldn't. He hated that it reminds him about how he couldn't do anything for.... his friend... He felt powerless. 

He soon got up and left the room leaving me alone in here. 

I knew he wanted to help, but there just wasn't anything he could do. This was my problem and I was the only one who could fix it. There was only one things he could truly do. Protect me from villains and other things and...

Hope I can fix this in time before I'm all out of it. 

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