Nice To Meet You

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After the wacky event that night things went back to normal but Todoroki and Bakugou would watch me more and try interacting with me more often. I didn't really mind this as it caused no issue. They did both try to get me to train with them but I never did. We haven't had an event like the night before happen yet. 

As time went on I trained more and more preparing for the Sports Festival. Oh and the purpled hair boy finally Texted me so I got a meet up set up and I would hopefully be able to help him if he allows. 


I was currently waiting for the Purple haired boy That I found to be named Shinsou. I was minding my own business when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Shinsou looking down at me with normal tired eyes. 

"Are you Y/l?" He asked.

I simply nodded and patted the spot next to me to get him to sit down. Once he sat next to me it was silent for a moment before he spoke. 

"Why do you want to help me? you don't even know my quirk and yet you say I have potential." He spoke looking over to me. 

I took out my phone since I didn't have anything to write with or to write on. I typed on it before having it speak what I wanted. 

"I have my reasons to why I want to help you, and I doesn't matter what your quirk is, it matters what type of person you are and what you do with it." The robotic voice of my phone spoke. 

"Oh, your the mute kid from the class aren't you?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders as a response. 

"What it your quirk?" I had my phone speak. 

"Oh, it's.... mind control, if someone speaks I can control there body but only if they speak.. you probably think it's a villain quirk." He spoke in a depressed tone looking down to the ground. 

"I don't" 

He looked up at me with confusion. 

"It's not the quirk that makes someone a villain it's the person it self and what they choose to do with that power, people rely on quirks so much they think it defines a person, but really you define the quirk, you can make it a villain quirk or you can make it a hero quirk, it's truly your choice. People will call you a villain because of the power you hold, that's the problem, your too powerful your a villain, your too weak your no one, if your in the middle your nothing special." The robotic voice spoke. 

As it spoke I could see him look in my eyes with shock, happiness, and Relief. 

"You really are different, *Chuckle*" He spoke. 

He let out a sigh closing his eyes before looking over to me. 

"So, how can you help me?" He asked. 

"You rely too much on your quirk, you let it define you. If you rely on it too much you won't be able to do much, like if I were a villain you can't do anything to me because I don't speak, You need to learn to not rely on it and for you to define it. I know someone who would be perfect to train you." 

"Who?" he Asked. 

"Aizawa, also known as Eraser head the Underground hero. If he saw how strong you were and the potential you hold he would train you." 

"How would you get him to train me?" He asked. 

"He is my teacher and lets just say we have a past. But I don't need to do anything, it's up too you, all you need to do is impress him at the sports festival. Show everyone who you are and what you hold, show them who you deserve to be." 

"How do you know he will do it?" 

"Trust me, I know, I can give you some tips but it's truly up to you." 

There was a moment of silence before he hugged me with tears in his eyes. 

"Thank you.." He spoke. 

I patted his back as he moved away before I had my phone speak again. 

"Trust me, I know how it feels to think the way you do and feel like nothing. But you just got to take a leap of faith and not let anyone stope you. As a famous quote once said, 'Reach for the stars.'" 

He smiled at me before looking down seeming to be in thought before looking up at me once more. 

"Do.. do you think we could be friends? you're the first person to be thins kind to me and help me and show me I can be something instead of pushing me down." He asked seeming nervous. 

'A friend.. that doesn't sound to bad especially with him, he remind me of younger me.'

I nodded me head. He smiled at me before saying bye and leaving. 

I felt content with my work, and calling him a friend just felt right. I soon got up as well and made my way out of the park to my work place which was a town over so I used my Hover board like normal. 


For the remaining time until the sports festival I trained with a without my quirk and talked with Shinsou giving him some tips. 

The Bakugou and Todoroki stuff was still the same. I didn't understand why people wanted to train with others if that just gives them information on your quirk and fighting style. But I continued to train, though I did have to take breaks to still run my business. 

Lately I feel better and more enjoying some peoples presences.  

Now all I had to do was wait for the Sports Festival to begin...  

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