It's Not Getting Better

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We were now back in class since the sports festival, and the Internet work has calmed down now. But I have still been twitching at random moments, only reminding me of the negative block. I still couldn't figure out what the block was, but I would have to hope I would figure it out soon or I might die. 

Anyway we are going over internships, due to everything that has been happening with my quirk and other things, I have figured a way to get around this and half participate in it. 

Aizawa was showing us how many internship offers we have gained. I got the most having 5,482 offers, Todoroki had the seconds most with 4,123 offer, then Bakugou with the third most having 3,556 offers. 

You would think this would take for ever to go through all the offers, but I already knew who I would choose. But that was not important right now, we were going to choose our hero name with Midnights help. 

We were handed boards and markers to write our name down. 

This was something I didn't plan for. 

I knew what my suit would be like and how it would look. I knew how I would do the internship, I knew how I would fight, I knew everything and planned for everything... but this. I guess the entire quirk thing and the meeting has made me forget this part about being a hero. 

I might be part of the internet but surprise surprise I'm not very creative. I'm a technical and logical person, not creativity and emotion type of person.... This was going to take a while to think of. 

Everyone started to go up and show everyone there name, but I still couldn't come up with anything. Some people went with there names which I though was a dumb Idea. Shouldn't you identity be secret? Or are we just disregarding that fact? 

Bakugou kept getting told no for his name going with 'King Explosion Murder'... Get rid of the murder and it's fine, but he kept coming up with something with murder so I don't think he understood that. It was kind of funny but I stayed silent 


By now almost everyone has went but I still could not come up with a name. I want it to hide my identity, it has to fit with my quirk but still make it a surprise... I Got it!!

I wrote down my idea and just in time..

"Y/n why don't you share your hero name to the class?" Midnight spoke. 

I stood up and walked to the front before flipping my board so everyone could read it. 


Wi for Wifi and the T for Tech. It fits the quirk but keep is a surprise and keeps my identity a secret.  

(Also Wi is said like Why) 

"ooh, mysterious yet to the point. I like it!!" Midnight exclaimed. 

I then walked back to my seat sitting down and watching the few that hadn't gone go.


After all of this is was time for lunch. As people were leaving they talked to one another asking who people would Intern with. I already knew who I would intern with, Who? Well I made a fake intern request with a fake hero, I will be choosing that one. I know I shouldn't but I need to get my quirk under control and plus then I can do things how I like and still work in my business. 

As I was leaving the classroom for lunch I could feel multiple eyes on me all with different feeling to there stare. Some curious, some suspicious, all giving different reasons to there stare. But that didn't bather me, I have always gotten stares since I was young. I have gotten used to it. 

I made my way to the roof for lunch like normal, but it didn't feel normal.. not anymore. Something about it filled me with unease like something just wasn't right. 

I sat by the fence on the roof grabbing out my lunch and going for the battery's first. 

As I ate I went into my head trying to think of what the block could be. It had to be something negative, but I couldn't think of anything. The answer felt so close yet so far at the same time, like it was right in front of me but I had drunk glasses on making it blurry. It annoyed me that I couldn't figure it out. I could answer any question someone asked me yet this is the one thing I can't answer and it bothered me. I am so used to having all the answers and if I don't I get the answer with ease yet this one eludes me.

What knocked me out of my thoughts was the eyes I felt on me. Looking to the door I saw no one there, then I looked around me yet found no one there still. I kept my face blank not wanting to give anything away. Even though I saw no one around I still felt eyes on me, they gave off the feeling that it would kill me in seconds. 

I let out a sigh and looked down at my lunch to see I was finished. So I packed it back in my bag and put it on my back. I felt to uneased to stay here, something just didn't feel right but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

Even when I walked down the stair well I felt the eyes on me with the same death like feel to it. Even through the halls I felt them. They only disappeared when I found myself in the cafeteria where everyone else resided. The feeling of eyes disappearing and the unease slowly going with it. 

Why was it they disappeared when I was here? Around people? I like to stay alone, I have never been in the cafeteria. So Why did they disappear now? 

Was it... no it can't be...

Was it my own negative block that was watching me? Like a haunting memory or reminder... 


I need to fix this, and soon.   

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