The Years Pass

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10 years later....


You may be wondering what happened to me after that incident. Well let me explain. 

The 3 hero's were looking for me but I just moved a town over so they wouldn't find me. Then I changed what age I looked to 22 years old and learned how to gamble. Turns out I'm pretty good at. I got decent money from playing and was able to stabilize myself. I was also able to get a charger so I can charge myself instead of always eating battery's though they are good. 

I never went to school since it was a waist of time in my opinion and since I couldn't afford it. 

I ended up training most of the time or gambling. But I never drank I am under age.  I ended up finding a few new abilities that I ended up training with. 

1 Of the abilities was searching things and taking a photo and bringing it to real life. 

2 ability was hacking in a since to basically I could get into anything and that also lets me into security cameras. 

3 was That I could travel through electrical currents, so I can travel through computers, cables, lightning, taser. That one was really fun.

I even was able to figure out how to do some of these in my head instead of always pulling up a screen. 

With all of this I became a genius since the internet was now in my brain I know the answer to everything. 


So I continued that for the next 10 years and the hero's ended up stop searching for me after 2 months... a little lazy if you ask me. 

But during my 8 years pass I ended up starting to invent things. Lets just say my inventions sky rocketed and I am now a proud owner of a inventing company I call 'T Tech'. Though I wouldn't normally be allowed to own a business at my age I just simply have to change my age look and I'm good. 

So now I am a billionaire, but I still go gambling every few Sundays as a Nice break.  

So now I live pretty comfortably but I still don't really talk.. 

But now I have joined the Hero coarse in U.A class 1A. and yes I know the teacher will be Aizawa, but to be fair he never knew my name and I look different now, the only way he could tell I'm the 6 year old from 10 years ago is my quirk.... well if he remembers. 

But tomorrow is my first day of class also my first time going to a school so it will be new. But if I want to show the world a true hero I have to go. 

Tomorrow starts a new adventure.

Forgotten Broken Heart (MHA x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora