Time To Start A Search

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Well it's been a few days by now and they didn't find any negative block. The internship thing is ending soon, I heard about the Hosu Incident and the hero killer. I was told to take it easy until my negative block has been fixed. They made me give them my number so they can check on me. 

I also haven't gotten much better only worse. I can barely go anywhere in my Tech place anymore. I have been twitching more and losing control a little more. I've also started to feel a pain in my chest like I got a shot, It's not to bad but still concerning. When I told everyone about this they freaked out more. I know there isn't much they can do but I made sure I told them any updates on my condition. 

I am currently in on of my training rooms in my building. I have a carpet under me, one that you think might fly. I have lavender candles surrounding me and the lights dimmed to the point the candles were the main source of light. I had about 6 surrounding me 3 on each side. I sat in the middle crisscross hands on my legs relaxed and my eyes closed. I was meditating, I did this when stressed or just needed to relax. I also found it good for training on focus and emotional control. I would normally find this simple to do, but it seems the negative block is effecting me. 

I keep twitching and I keep hearing things there aren't there and once and a while get flashes of an image. The images were blurry though, and I couldn't fully make out what I was hearing. Like the sound was muffled and under water the images blurry like looking through dirty glasses. 

The sound seemed to be voices... I think, I can only make out a few things from it. 

"You &$*&!*^^*^$( I will *^*(^^*(^#! do #&!@^ they&#()&!" That's what I heard. 

I could only ever make out a few words from the sound. 

The more I tried to hear what was being said and the more I tried to make out the image the more my head hurt. It was like there was something blocking me and when I tried to get past I got stabbed.  

I let out a sigh opening my eyes giving up on trying to meditate. I got up and started to clean everything and put it away making sure to put out the candles. 


Once I was finished I heard a ding come from my phone. 

Grabbing it I turned it on to see a message from Aizawa. I clicked on the message opening the chat and read it. 

Hey kid, How are you doing? is there any update? 

Letting out a sigh I began to type before sending my response. 

Hi, I guess I'm alright. I tried to meditate, but I couldn't 
stop twitching and I kept hearing and seeing things I
couldn't make them out though, and any time I tried to
See or hear it properly it felt like I was being stabbed in 
The head.

Alright, Have you found anything that could cause
The negative block?


Alright, well keep me updated kid. I don't want to
Lose a student.


With that I shut my phone off and put it in my pocket. I let out a sigh and thought for a moment. This obviously has something to do with something bad in my life. My brain also seems to be stopping me from knowing what. So it has to do something with my past as nothing bad has happened to me to cause this anytime soon to now. 



Maybe I have something from my past in one of my storage rooms? That might give me a clue. Maybe if I can figure out when this started as well it will help. 


'Alright one step at a time.' I thought 

I began making my way to one of my storage rooms in my building. Hopefully I will find something..

'This is going to take a while.' 

(Sorry It's Short) 

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