Final Battle Vs Todoroki

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Well surprise, Surprise I'm going to be fight Todoroki in the next battle. 

Before the fight began I was making my way to the tunnels as I was walking in the halls but I got stopped by someone. Looking up I saw none other then Endeavor, Oh how I hated him. I know what he is really like due to me having access to the internet and his search history. 

"Your Y/n?" He asked.

I simply nodded.

"Well listen here, your not going to beat my son. He will become number one and pass All Might and everyone else-"

'Oh great it's like this' I thought.

"But you are very strong, I want you to marry my son." He finished.

'So now your handing your son out wow, father of the year here!!!'

I shook my head keeping a cold emotionless face. 

"I can just pay your parents with all the money they want, you have no choice." He spoke.

'Oh so now your trying to buy me? well it won't work my real parents think I'm dead and at this point I'm my own parent.' I thought. 

I shook my head again already done with this. I lifted my leg back before swinging it right to where the sun don't shine. He fell to his knees holding his area groaning. I used one of my hands and grabbed his chin making him look at me. I used my other hand getting out my phone and using it to speak.

"Others may not know who you really are Enji-"

His eyes widen hearing his real name being said. 

"But I do, you can't hide anything from me fool. You are no hero, all you are and will ever be is a no for good father, and I would watch what you say to me because in the matter of seconds I can ruin your career and everything you have worked for, I could tell the whole world everything you have done, What happened to your wife?"

His eyes were wide filled with shock. I typed what I wanted next still having a firm grip on his chin. 

"What happened to your eldest son? What happened to Shoto? I can reveal everything you have done with proof in a matter of seconds at any moment, so watch you F**king mouth with me!!-"

I squeezed his chin harder bringing him closer to me as I still held a cold emotionless gaze. He seemed to quiver under my stare. 

"Your son and family are no toy, cause before you know it they will all be gone, and you will be alone, You want to be better then All might? then."

I brought my mouth to his ear pausing for a moment I let out a sigh. I pulled back and threw him to the ground. Using my phone I spoke once more. 

"Then start by being a decent Father and Husband." 

I then put my phone away back in my storage and walked over him and disappearing down the hall. 

What some may not have realized is I had a audience. Behind one of the corners behind me Shoto was hiding listening, and I know this cause I heard him gasp silently at one moment. But I also had Dabi who was hiding behind a different corner to the side of me, I knew this because I saw him from the corner of my eye. 

Anyway, it's time to get ready for battle. 


As I prepared for my battle I heard someone enter the room. Turning around I saw Shinsou there with a small smile on his face. 

"Just wanted to wish you good luck." He stated. 

I nodded as he walked over to me. 

"So you got a plan?" He asked. 

I nodded my head as I redid some bandages.

"You going to tell me?" He asked as he leaned on one of the walls near me. 

I shook my head finishing my bandages. 

"Fine, but you better win I made a bet that you would win with Denki." He stated as he pushed off the wall walking out of the room. 

Letting out a sigh I though for a moment. 

Yes I did have a plan but it really depends, do I really want to end this so quickly? Or did I want to drag it on like others. You see what I was planning was to take away his quirk which I could have done with the rest but I didn't want them to be so quick. But thinking about it I don't have a whole lot of energy to use right now, and I didn't want to do some extravagant thing just to pass out.

Letting out a Sigh I walked out into the arena me being called. 

Looking across from me I saw Shoto there, his look determined but also an appreciation in his eyes. 

'Sorry Shoto, but this one is going to be a quick one.' I thought. 

The round quickly started and just as Shoto went to use his ice I got rid of his quirk so nothing happened. He tried again but still nothing happened. 

He looked up at me to see me standing still looking at him with blank eyes. 

He tried to use his fire but that didn't work either. I could hear gasps as they realized what was going on. I ran at him getting ready to attack, I went to kick his head but he brought his arms up to block me. He went to swipe my legs but I jumped and while in air used both legs and kicked him. 

While he went flying I used one of my walls and pushed him with them out of bounds quickly winning the round. 

People cheered and clapped while I made my way to Todoroki him looking up at me. I put my hand out for him to grab and he paused before grabbing my hand as I pulled him up to his feet. 

I turned around to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to see a nervous smile on his face. 

"I just wanted to thank you for standing up to my father." He spoke looking away for a second before looking back at me. 

I nodded my head before turning and walking away, as I began to walk I also gave him his quirk back. 


Now I stood on top of a pedestal in the first place spot, Todoroki on the second place spot, and Bakugou chained to a cement block with a muzzle on standing on the third place spot. Iida was supposed to be here but apparently something happened with his brother. 

Also who other then All Might to give out the meddles. 

when he was giving Bakugou his metal he wouldn't take it so he just put it in his mouth.

'Who's the dog now?' I thought. 

Then he gave the medal to Todoroki before getting to me.

"Great job Young Y/n you surprised a lot with you power." He spoke.

I nodded before he placed the metal around my neck. Then he tried to get people to say Plus Ultra but that didn't really work out. 

After the entire event I was ready to go home and charge, and that is exactly what I was planning to go do.   

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