Past Coming Back

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*WARNING: Abuse, Blood, Panic Attack.*


After The Calvary Battle there were other activity's that were not mandatory and had no point to the whole events other then to entertain and release tension for the public. I chose not to participate as I also knew more attention would be on me after what I did in the Calvary Battle. The activity's consisted of things like Scavenger hunt and Ball race, I watched some of the events and I have to say they were funny but I couldn't laugh due to me being 'Mute'. Though something.... Interesting did happen..

I was walking through the halls just stretching my legs and thinking trying to stay away from people for a bit. As I walked I saw someone I didn't want to see... My parents. 

I tried to walk away but they already saw me and made there was over to me, right as they were in front of my memory's flooded my mind, I wanted to cry, I wanted to shake, I wanted to beat them after all they did but I kept it together. 

"You're Y/n right?" My Father spoke.

I nodded.

"hehe, It's so inspiring to have a mute hero!" My Mother Giggled and Spoke. 

I nodded again fighting the tears that wanted to form. 'Guess the therapy really didn't help much, or I didn't go to it enough..' I thought. 

"We used to have a little Bra- I mean.. Little girl Her name was also Y/n." My Mother Spoke. 


"She was weak as a child and died, She was only 5 The doctors said they couldn't do anything for her, she died in her little bed." She continued to speak. 

'They... t-they didn't... How... how... Could THEY!!' I clenched my fists. 

"Everyone was there for us during this time, You just remind us so much of her we had to say Hi!" 

'They... LIED... For SYMPATHY!!' I could feel my fists shacking, I fought back tears that wanted to fall. 

"Anyway your probably getting ready for the net tournament, Good luck." My Father Spoke.

They then turned around and walked away... Smiling..

I was shaking at this point, fists clenched, Tears wanting to fall, Rage, Fear, Sadness, Flowed through my body. My breathing had become raged, And unknown to me my eyes were glowing slightly a red color. 

I Stood there for a moment before Running to the nearest bathroom. Once I made it in I locked the door after making sure no one was in there. I through myself against the wall slowly falling to the ground tears finally falling. I moved my legs against my chest hugging them hands clenched gripping my pants knuckles turning white. My body was shacking in rage, fear, and sadness. 

Flash backs began to come to my mind blocking my view and hearing, my breathing becoming even more Raged and uneven. 




I was thrown to the wall having a crack form where I hit as I fell to the ground my mind fuzzy and vision spinning and blurry. My father stood in front of me blood on his knuckles a sinister smirk residing on his face and a dagger like stare. 

Blood coming from my nose and the wound on the back of my head getting into my hair. Bruises littered my skin. Tears forming in my eyes and falling down my stinging cheeks blurring my vision.

My father gripping on my hair pulling it so I was hanging feet barely touching the ground body limp as I let out a yelp. 

My father chuckled as he spoke, "I thought I told you to be Silent, BRAT!! I guess you didn't learn you lesson yet, well don't worry I can do this, ALL~ Day." He chuckled as I shook in fear whimpering from what was to come.


I was cleaning the house as Mom and Dad were out hoping if I did I could stay away from being beaten up. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchens tiled floors with a sponge in hand and a bucket of water next to me with a bottle of soap next to the bucket. 

I heard the front door open and close. I quickly tried to get up and run but before I could get far I was grabbed by the hair being pulled back. I screamed as I was pulled back to where I was before. 

"Where do you think you were going you little Sh*t" My mothers voice spoke. 

Before I could process what was happening my father grabbed the soap and squirted in my eyes causing the to sting and burn making me scream and tears to form. My mother then grabbed the bucket of water and pored it on my head soaking me and my clothes.  She then through me to the ground before they both laughed and left to else where in the house. 


I was curled on the ground dried blood on my face, bruises littering my skin, bags under my eyes, my eyes being puffy and red with dried tears staining mu cheeks. 

After being beaten up by my parents I was thrown into the closet being locked in with no light. I have been in there for a few hours my parents probably forgetting about me and going out to drink or falling asleep. 

It isn't the first time this has happened but I wish it was the last. 


*End Of Flashbacks*


My breathing had become uneven and raged No longer taking proper breaths. My nails digging into the skin of my legs. Tears flowed down my face leaving my eyes to become red and puffy. I was shacking wanting it to all stop. 

After a while My tears stopped flowing and my shacking calmed with my breathing becoming more normal. I let out a shaky sigh before slowly getting to my feet and waling to the sink mirror. Looking up at myself I looked like trash.

My eyes were puffy and red and bloodshot, with tears staining my now red cheeks, My hair was messy and all over the place. 

Calming my breathing more I pulled up one of my screens and brought up my figure and started to edit before finishing it and the changes were shown. Now my hair was neat and back to normal my eyes were no longer blood shot or puffy red, my cheeks no longer red and tear stained. I looked normal again, but on the inside I was still upset but I pushed that feeling down out of my mind. 

Taking in a breath I turned and walked out of the bathroom ready for the rest of the Events. 

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