Panic Attack... Again

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So I wasn't able to find anything though I wasn't able to go through everything anyway. I was only able to go through about half which with how much is in some of the storage rooms isn't much really. 

Anyway I am now back in school with everyone else, everyone that knows about my problem has agreed to not tell anyone. I think everyone one would freak out if they figured out there classmate was slowly dying from there own quirk. Ya how stupid does that sound? I'm being killed by my own quirk. 

'Well power comes with a price I guess.' 

Nothing much happened in the morning the most eventful time was when we got to hero training. All Might was teaching and we were in the Ground Gamma area, We were doing a search and Rescue type thing. Basically we were supposed to find and get to All Might as fast as we could by following his stress signal. We were paired in groups of five, but this was more of a race. He wanted us to use what we learned in the test. 

I must say I didn't learn much not only because I never went on a real internship but also because of the negative block thing. 

Aizawa still hasn't told me what happened at the meeting, and refuses to tell me which is stupid in my opinion. I should know it is about me, but I'm not going to fight on it I can just hack in the security cameras and see myself later. 

Anyway, I was currently waiting for my groups turn like the others. Who's on my team? I don't know, I was too busy catching yawl up to pay attention. 

After a while of waiting it was finally time to go. I could see the people who knew about the dying thing didn't want me to do it and were worried, but I can't just stop everything because of it. So I was still going to do it and they can't stop me. 


This should be simple for me if the block doesn't stop me. 

Taking a breath I sighed and got ready. Not long after we were told to go, and while others ran I walked. I made my way to one of the buildings and went to it's power box. Can you tell what I'm doing? Well I opened it and then traveled into it, from there I traveled through the signal it self bringing me straight to the source in a matter of seconds. I hopped out and looked around, I was in some warehouse and looking to the side I saw All Might his back turned to me. Well that was simple. 

I made my way over and tapped his shoulder. He jumped slightly and turned looking at me. 

"Young Y/l!!! How did you get here to fast?" He asked. 

I pointed at the thing that was admitting the stress signal.

"You traveled through the stress signal?" He asked confused.

I nodded my head confirming his question. He seemed to still be confused but brushed it off. 


Now I stood with him waiting for the others to arrive. 

Was this all that happened? Nope, What happened? I'll tell you. 

After everyone arrived and we were making our way back to the others I felt a pain in my chest like a shot. But then my head also felt fogy and like there was a weight on it. I staggered back a little but no one seemed to noticed. I started to feel a burning in my arms and looked down to see the cracks back and they were glowing. My eyes also began to burn and I assumed they were glowing red too. 

'I don't remember this hurting?' 

"Don't &&()&(&&*&%^$%^# You *(^^&*% Stop^*(^&%^$$ You Will Never &*(*(^*" 

'There's the voices again, this is getting worse. Will never what? stop what?' 

I began to fall behind the others yet they still didn't notice, I began to feel a pain in my head. 

'No! Don't leave me!! Don't forget me!!! Hey! Wait!!' 

I brought my hands up to my ears as the sentence from before began to be said over and over again. The same bits were muffled and unheard. I felt a pain in my head and my arms began to burn more and... and... an- 

"Y/n?" I heard someone call. 


opening my eyes and looking up I saw Jiro looking back at me the group a little ahead of her walking. 

"Are you coming? your falling behind." She stated. 


I looked down at my arms there was no cracks and they weren't glowing. I no longer felt any pain anywhere and I could now focus. My breathing was uneven and my hands were shaking slighting. 

'Did I just have a panic attack? I haven't had one of those since.... I can't remember.'  

Getting out of my thoughts I nodded my head and speed up catching up with her and then the others. We then continued to make our way back to the others like we were doing before. This time I didn't have any issue, but I did begin to think. 


'Did I really just have a panic attack? Why? and, what was that voices trying to say?' 

Now that I think about it the voices sound familiar. Like I heard them before, where could I of heard them? Who do they belong to? Well one sounds like a female and the other male, they also sound old-...

I know who's voices they are....

My Parents 

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