Battle VS Tokoyami

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Once the net round finally started the first fight began against Todoroki and Midoriya. During almost the entire fight Midoriya was trying to convince Todoroki to use his fire side, saying things like it's his quirk not Endeavors. Once he did start to use his fire Midoriya seemed happy and Endeavor started shouting about how he finally excepted his fire. I got annoyed with his so in the middle of his shout I got rid of his ability to speak by basically muting him. It was amusing to see him try to though. Sadly after the fight I was told to stop and fix what ever I did to Endeavor, so of coarse I did as I had to but I was annoyed. 

When Todoroki came back he looked over to me and gave a nod before sitting down. 

The next fight was Ida VS Shiozaki, The fight was all over the place but in the end of it Ida came out on top and won. 

Finally it was Me VS Tokoyami. 

He has Dark Shadow Quirk though his weakness is light and he cant control it well when it is too dark, so I'm going o use his weaknesses against him

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He has Dark Shadow Quirk though his weakness is light and he cant control it well when it is too dark, so I'm going o use his weaknesses against him. It will cost a lot of energy but They want me to show my power them I'll show my power. 

Before the match I gave myself a temporary extra quirk, and yes I can go that. I gave myself a glowing quirk, at my will my skin will glow and it is strong in the dark then in the light, but if used to much I can get radiation damage and burns. 

I also gave myself night vision as what I plan to do will cause me to need this.


Once we got into the arena the fight started quickly. Tokoyami went fist with his attack using dark shadow. Dark shadow came at me in a high speed as I just stood there waiting for him to get closer. Once he was inches from me I activated the glowing quirk, It startled Dark Shadow and hurt him as he backed up. 

Looking at Tokoyami he was surprised but he quickly went back getting ready for another attack. Before he could do anything I took out one of my screens, he must have noticed because he quickly sent Dark shadow at me. I kept my screen out as I jumped over dark shadow who tried to hit me with a claw. 

Once I hit the ground with my feet I raised my hand having my tec walls come up and create a bubble shield around me. Dark Shadow tried to attack my shield but it did nothing yet he continued. 

I quickly got to work looked at my screen and doing some editing, I knew what I was about to do could possibly make me faint or worse but I was going to stand strong. This would be my biggest edit yet, you may be wondering what edit I am doing well... I was turning out the lights.. All the lights. 

Dark shadow continued to attack my shield as it started to crack. I was working at high speed trying to get this done, I knew it was risky on multiple levels but if things went to plan it would give me a quick win. 

My shield began to crack under all the attacks of Dark Shadow more and more as time went on. Until it finally shattered disappearing, and as if in slow motion Dark shadow came at me with his claw for his attack. Just before he could hit me I hit the final button and My edit was implemented. 

Everyone watched as in almost an instant lights turned off and the sun disappeared being replaced by the moon. You could hear there gasps and shear shock. Tokoyami's eyes widen in shock and realization, but it was to late the effect has taken place. Dark shadow became stronger Tokoyami no longer able to control him as he almost seemed like a beast now.

Jumping and quickly getting out of the way of dark shadow as the effect took place I got a good distance. But once It was done He came  as me with a screech and at a much faster pace. 

I was panting out of energy but pushing myself to move forward. Standing straighter I got ready and once Dark Shadow was mere inches from me I activated my glowing quirk once more. Now that it was dark it was stronger and would give a bigger effect to Dark shadow. Once It was active I was glowing like a star no one being able to look at me with out possibly going blind now. 

Dark Shadow Screeched Screeched in pain and was forced to quickly retreat back to Tokoyami.

Now I had to work fast, keeping it night and still glowing I made my way to Tokoyami kicking him out of bounds while he still couldn't look at me. Once he fell out of bounds I turned it  back to day and stopped glowing putting the glowing quirk back in storage. 

At this point as I ready to collapse on the ground unconscious, but that wouldn't help. I needed to charge I needed battery's I needed energy. 

It was silent before there were cheers and I was announced the winner.  

Before I left I helped Tokoyami up and then quickly left. I was also quickly meet with Both Will and James when I exited, They helped me to a secluded area having me sit against the wall. Will tended to some burn I had due to the glowing quirk while James got me set up on a portable charger, once he plugged me in I was forced into unconsciousness bringing me to my tech place. 

Hopefully they wake me up when I need to fight next, and hopefully no one finds us I don't really want people to know instead of sleeping I charge like a phone. 

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