Not Another Not Now

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So as it has been noted weird things are going on with my quirk because of a negative black, and if I don't fix it I will die. Well... It got worse.. But this time in my Internet area. 

Now there is a lot more warning and things failing an things are crashing. The place is also trying to expand but isn't doing it properly so some areas are glitchy. Some areas have even gotten a hint of red and black to them. I figured out if I touch those areas It will hurt me and if I touch glitchy area I will... well glitch out. Some things around aren't even working cause there in a glitch and some aren't working 100% properly. 

To be honest I thought I would have more time to fix this issue but it seems I really don't. 

Who would have thought some negative block could cause such an issue. I definitely didn't, especially not this fast. To be honest I was panicking, and I had no idea what to do. I hate that I don't know anything anymore, it stresses me out. 

It didn't help when I heard some thuds and some voices. 

'No, not now! Not today!! I need to figure this out!!! Leave! Leave! Leave!' I panicked in my head. 

What made me panic even more was the new voice I heard. I also recognized the voice... Gruff, sounds tired and grumpy yet serious at the same time. Aizawa.. 

'Just what I need!!' I sarcastically thought. 

I heard them get closer till they were at the door to the room. 

"What the F**k is wrong with this door!?!" I heard Bakugou yell. 

"Try it again." I heard Shinsou speak up. 

I then heard the door slowly open it being slightly broken like almost everything else. 

"Woah, What happened to this place?" I heard Midoriya speak up. 

Like Normal I faced away from them as I try to fix things but nothing is working. 

"Y/n?" Todoroki spoke. 

"Y/n?!" I heard Aizawa exclaimed. 

"Not NOW!!" I exclaimed zooming around trying to fix things. 

"What the F**k Happened!?" Bakugou exclaimed.

"Not NOW!!" I shouted stress evident in my voice. 

"Y/n can talk?!" Aizawa exclaimed. 

 "Um, Only in here, because it isn't the real world, this is her area she goes when she is asleep and for some reason we come here once and a while. I think she said it was like a part of the internet or something." Midoriya explained. 

"Y/n, What is going on?" Shinsou asked concern laced in his voice. 

"NO-Not Now!!" I stuttered out. 

"F**king face us Dumb*ss!!" Bakugou shouted. 

I turn around and look at them. I wanted to cry but I held back. I began to walk toward them as I spoke. 

"Listen I said not right N-" I began but was cut off when I stepped on an unseen red and black spot causing pain to go through me. 

"AHHHH" I screamed in pain falling to the ground bringing my leg to my chest. 

"Y/n!!" They exclaimed as they rushed to me, even Aizawa. 

They all surrounded me asking question after question. My head was placed on Bakugou's lap as I still held my leg to my chest. 

"Y/n what is going on?!" Midoriya exclaimed. 

"Quirk malfunction.. I'm fine." I state now sitting up slowly. 

"You are not fine!" Shinsou exclaimed. 

"Look it's just...*Sigh* it's complicated." I stated trying to get them to drop it. 

"We got all night please explain." Aizawa spoke up his voice serious. 

I let out another sigh before giving in, guess I wasn't going to be able to hide it forever. 

"My quirk ever since I got it has grown and gotten more powerful. But now there is some type of negative block preventing it from growing properly, I don't know what the block is only that it's something negative. Since My quirk can't grow properly it's causing problems, like the entire this place looking weird and the red and black areas hurting me, The glitch areas make me glitch. Along with how I have been twitching lately in the real world..." I take a pause making sure they are on track and understand, once I know they are good I continue.

"I have also lost control at moments my eyes turning red my skin cracking on my face and arms my arm ones glowing red. The last time it happened I can't even remember what happened during it-" I was going to continue but Aizawa spoke up. 

"So you don't remember the meeting?" He asked his eyes becoming more serious. 

"No, at least not anything after mentioning the mall thing, Then after that I just remember finding myself in my living room. I have no clue what happened. Why?" I explained. 

He seemed to thing about my answer a bunch of emotions flooding in his eyes. 

"So you weren't in control." I heard Him mumble under his breath. 

"Listen.. just.. To put it simply my quirk isn't growing properly because of a negative block, and if I can't figure out what the block is, my quirk will end up killing me." I stated now all there eyes widening. 

"And you didn't think to F**king Tell us!?!" Bakugou exclaimed. 

"Well, I don't really talk in the real world anyway. But I'm stressing because I can't figure out what the block is." I explained. 

It was silent for a moment, before Midoriya hugged me his eyes having tears. 

"How long until it kills you?!" He asked worriedly. 

"I don't know, could be months or it could be days. I really don't know." I stated. 

"Your not F **king Dying!!" Bakugou exclaimed tears brimming his eyes though he seemed to be trying to hold them back. 

Looking at everyone they all seemed to have tears in there eyes some of them falling. But Aizawa seemed to be thinking with a worried expression on his face. I wanted to tall them it would be ok, but saying that right now would be a lie since I have no idea what to do. I know nothing about all of this only that there is a negative block that I need to get rid of. 

"Could the block be somewhere here?" Todoroki spoke up. 

Looking at him I spoke. "I don't know, maybe, but I'm not sure. A lot of things aren't working and I can't go to a few areas due to all the glitching and red and black spots." 

"Then we can go look." Shinsou spoke as I looked over at him. "We aren't effected by the glitches or red and black spots and we can try to get into areas that won't work. We can go around looking for any negative block or something out of place while you stay here and try to fix things."  He explained. 

Thinking about it for a moment it wasn't a bad idea. "Fine, but please be careful." I state. They nod and went off Aizawa giving me one glance before going off. 

For the rest of the time they looked for any block while I tried to fix things.

'How much longer do I have?'

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