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trigger warnings for the following subject matters-
mentions of death, breakdowns & throw up

trigger warnings for the following subject matters-mentions of death, breakdowns & throw up

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THE REST OF THE DAY went by just as slowly and was just as draining as it had begun. Campers had begun to trickle in from New York by all sorts of means whether it be by car, Pegasus, and some even arrived by chariot. The physically wounded were taken care of and bandaged up to the best ability of the Apollo cabin. But the mental wounds that had been inflicted on them would be cursed to scar them for the rest of their lives, they'd never be able to heal, they'd always be there for the rest of their lives and that was something each camper was all aware of. War was something that would forever change you and it would forever change Camp Half-Blood and the children that had to survive and live to tell the tale of it.

The worst part of it all had to be that moment. Sitting in the sunset as the sky above them was already dark as midnight as it had begun to rain around them, the only light they were given were some lights Chiron had set up around the campfire. The rain almost made it seem like even Zeus had felt the slightest bit of guilt for the deaths of the many children they have lost as he rained down his final parting gift over the world, over them. 

Chiron had began to led the funerals off with a multitude of speeches of events that had happened over the course of the war. Angel felt sick as he had hold back a scowl as Chiron had the audacity to refer to the fallen campers as soldiers of all things. Angel didn't think that was right, it wasn't right and he didn't like that the fallen were referred to in such a way. They weren't soldiers, none them were. They weren't just demigods that had fought and died in the name of trying to protect Olympus and the gods that they had been born from. They were just children before any of that. 

BEAUTY IN DEATH | nico di angeloWhere stories live. Discover now