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trigger warnings for the following subject matters-
mentions & implications of death, mentions of fire, death by fire, mentions & implications of mass murder, lila griffin, luke casetellan

trigger warnings for the following subject matters-mentions & implications of death, mentions of fire, death by fire, mentions & implications of mass murder, lila griffin, luke casetellan

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THE NEXT TIME THAT ANGEL HAD walked out of the cabin area and onto the main deck, they were in Venice, a city Angel hadn't visited in a couple of months but missed dearly. The entirety of the trip, Angel and Nico had spent hidden away within their room or on the very top of the mast. After their tumble off their chairs and the horrible headaches they gained after, they decided they had just about enough of the whole being tossed around like a ragdoll thing they had going on and stayed tucked away in their own private paradise.

Though as they would realize, their little private paradise didn't stop them from experiencing the terrors of their past experiences as both of them suffered night terrors during their hide away from the rest of the crew. Nico's tortuous journey through Tartaus was now something that Angel knew like the back of his hand from the amount of times he's had to listen to Nico cry in his arms confessing every last horrid detail of the life threatening journey he had to face. He knew of the goddess he faced, the terrors he experienced, he knew all of it to such a detail it made him sick.

But Angel wasn't the only one he knew of his new lover's nightmare like experiences as Angel was forced to relive moments with his mother all over again and when he awoke in a panic, he spilled everything to Nico in a moment of weakness. While Angel admittedly didn't want to tell Nico of that part of his life, after hearing Nico's experience in Tartarus, he thought it wrong to hold back telling Nico everything about himself and his experiences with the darkness of the world.

BEAUTY IN DEATH | nico di angeloWhere stories live. Discover now