열다섯: sickening desire & dying hearts

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"Excuse me, what?" Hoseok sputtered, his eyes peeling open in pure consternation

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"Excuse me, what?" Hoseok sputtered, his eyes peeling open in pure consternation. "I don't think I heard you right. What did you say again?" He reiterated.

"I mean, weren't you explicitly eager to do whatever we asked of you? We haven't even advanced ahead much since you, yourself, suggested that to us. I wonder then what went wrong all of a sudden? Try not to be a killjoy, y'know? It's your time to shine anyway, so have a little fun while we're at it. It's not so complicated." A male arbitrated in the matter, causing Hoseok to wince at his overt nonchalance. 

"What would you intend to insinuate by have fun? Mirae is my friend, and I don't have that kind of fun with my friends. Or maybe, I didn't have to give this redundant explanation in the first place had you been aware of such basic principles too—"

"If I were you I would reconsider before making it personal," the man snarled. At first, his way-too-specific threat had ended up jarring on Hoseok's ears. But once he attempted at giving him a condescending stare, he felt astonished over how convenient it apparently was to heave the stray thread of his frayed confidence and unravel him whole. 

He had been fretting over something which did not even have its longevity promised.

Hoseok raised his eyebrows, a pleased expression unfurling over his features. "Is that so? Too bad you're not me." His half-lidded eyes abruptly shot open when his hand underwent a tight squeeze. 

However, quite contrary to the purpose that gesture would usually serve, it had stricken as more of a cautionary one to Hoseok. And once he had whisked his head to the side, he could promptly discern as to why his premonition was ascribed such a negative sensory impression to begin with. Because it was Mirae's touch that had stimulated his nerves, and her eyes were reflecting everything but assurance.

"When I had told you they have their own version of this game, why didn't you back out then?" She whispered to him accusatorily. 

"I don't understand how's that an issue here?" Hoseok returned, face warped out of confusion.

"Mirae! It's alright, we can pretend that this round was for the sake of warm-up. We certainly don't want to mess up your friendship. So if canceling this round is what you both wish for, then we're gonna do just that. Will that be okay for you guys?" Heekyung proposed, bringing almost the entire party to a solid agreement.

"I don't like the tone of it but I guess—"

"That was very thoughtful of you, thanks." After smiling delightfully at Heekyung, Hoseok relocated his gaze at Mirae, most probably out of the guilt of having interrupted her when she was not yet done speaking. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off."

Her lips stretched into a straight line, her eyes downcast. "I'm sure you didn't."

"Alright, shall we move on? We've already held Mirae hostage for longer than she's going to like. Let's resume before she winds up grudging us for the rest of our lives." A female reminded everybody else about Mirae's urgency to depart for her home, a wave of cackles emerging thereafter.

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