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Dearest Lia,

We have returned to Camelot from the Cauldron of Arianrhod. Gwen has been restored and neither are none-the-wiser that it was me who performed the necessary magic. It was an eventful journey. As we set out, we were in a slight accident on a cliff, though thankfully Mordred had followed us and came to our rescue. Morgana then attacked and we left Mordred behind. Arthur had wanted to retrieve him, but I was able to convince him that our focus should be on helping Gwen.

Gwen feels a deep guilt for what she did while she was under Morgana's spell, but we have assured her that it was in no way her fault. And I hope that I have planted yet another seed that will allow Arthur to fully accept magic.

However, Mordred knows that it was I who performed the magic. And Gwen and Arthur let slip about us. I am not sure how I feel about this. Arthur seems to trust him completely, but I am still wary, knowing what I know. He also expressed an interest in The Willows and the elves. I am not sure what to make of this but I hope to find out.

With each day that passes, I yearn more and more to be at your side. It is that thought that keeps pushing me forward. Only when I have fulfilled my destiny will we be able to be together. It is that hope that I hold on to. I wish that I could be with you now.

Know that I love you with all my heart and I think of you nearly every second of the day. For now, I hope that this letter is enough. Soon we'll be together.

Forever yours,

Forever yours,Merlin

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Dearest Merlin,

How I miss you. And how glad I am to hear that you were able to help dear Gwen. We both know all too well what it is like to be at the mercy of Morgana, and it pains me to learn what Gwen had to go through. But now that she has been restored, my heart is filled with gladness.

I can likely resolve part of the mystery surrounding Mordred's interest in The Willows. He has been writing to Bridget. It seems that they developed some sort of connection in Ismere. Bridget was taken captive by Saxons and Mordred was of their company. He looked out for her. She has decided to return his correspondence, though she assures me it is only to glean more about him in the hopes that it can be of aid. He still worries me, but perhaps if we showed a bit more faith in him, this could be the way to ensure that he does not turn against Arthur.

Faeranduil has been able to slow the decay of the Great Willow with the help of the druids, but we have not stopped it. He said the only thing that will stop and reverse the damage is for Arthur to accept magic and allow it to be practiced openly throughout the land. I do not wish to push this on you, for I know how hard you are working. But it is not only the fate of Camelot at stake, but also that of our kind. I know that you can do this, and I will stand at your side and help in any way that I can.

I long to be with you every day. Soon we will have our chance. Once magic has returned to the land, I will go forward with changing the law. I often dream of our wedding day. I had no control over the last one, but I plan to have full control of this one. It shall be the grandest wedding The Willows has ever seen.

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