A Challenge Accepted

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Merlin glanced around the full banquet hall, wondering just when Elia intended to make her appearance. Already everyone else had arrived and was seated - even her own council.

"It seems your queen certainly likes to take her time," Alrich jested, as he smiled at Elidren. "The fairer sex always does seem to care more about these sort of things."

The elf in question only glanced at him as he gracefully lifted a goblet to his mouth.

"While our queen certainly has many enjoyments, I assure you that dressing for a feast is not one of them," Elidren said dryly. "If she is delayed, it is for her own reasons."

Merlin fought to hide his smile at the look of surprise on the old codger's face.

As if on cue, the doors to the hall opened and Elia walked in without an escort. All eyes were on her and a fair amount had given into temptation and dropped their jaws. Even Arthur sat up in rapt attention.

Merlin didn't blame them.

She was wearing a dress of forest green made of a lightweight shimmery fabric that seemed to change color as it moved around her, the skirt very nearly transparent. The bodice was fitted tightly to her torso with no sleeves and a low-cut neckline. A collar around her neck had a sheer cape that drooped down, exposing her pale shoulders. Her hair was half up in a simple braid with a gold crown that looked as though it were branches woven around her head.

The familiar smirk was on her face as she stopped a few feet away from where Arthur sat and bowed.

"My apologies for being late," she said, glancing up at him.

Merlin had to admit, she had impeccable timing. Everyone was sitting at various tables and there was no way anyone would miss her. Granted, he was sure they would haven't missed her regardless. Arthur quickly stood, and made his way around the table, offering her his arm.

"Think nothing of it, Queen Elia," he said.

Elia nodded, and allowed him to show her to where she would sit next to him. She glanced over and offered a small smile to Merlin, though discreetly. He smiled back until he caught Trevor glaring at him, causing him to look down at the pitcher of wine in his hand.

After the two monarchs sat, everyone resumed eating with more than one furtive glance thrown Elia's way.

"I must thank you for this most warm reception," Elia said as a servant placed a plate in front of her and another filled her wine goblet.

"And I must thank you for the gift of elven wine that you bestowed upon us," Arthur replied just as politely.

"Your men seemed to enjoy it during your short stay in our kingdom," she said.

"I am most curious about this stay. The king was not too keen on the details," Agravaine interrupted smoothly. Elia glanced at him.

"They happened into the forest lands bordering our kingdom and we came upon them by chance. As it was late in the day, we offered them a place to stay for the night that was more comfortable than camping in the woods," she said, leaving out the bit where the elves had saved the knights from a chimera, though Merlin was sure she hadn't wished to do so.

"They were most hospitable," Arthur added.

"As we always are with all guests who mean us no harm," Elia said. "The elves are rather hospitable, you'll find."

"Just how long have you been ruler of the elves?" Agravaine asked.

Elia was quiet for a moment, though Rhys and Cameron were shooting frowns at him, obviously already on the defensive.

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