To Move Forward

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Early the next morning, the camp was a flurry of noise and activity. A number of Elia's warriors had been up before the sun, quickly tearing down camp and preparing to leave for home. Even Arthur's knights appeared shocked to see them so energetic after their late night attack.

All of the former prisoners were healed enough to travel. Whatever ails they still had could wait to be fully healed until they were safely within the walls of The Willows.

Elia approached Arthur just before they set off, taking care not to meet Merlin's eyes as he stood at the king's side.

"Again, thank you for your aid, King Arthur," she said, bowing before him. "We will not forget this and should you need us, the elves will answer your call."

"I will hold you to that, Queen Elia," Arthur replied. "Though I feel we should be on our way. I do not wish to risk a run-in with Morgana."

"We do not wish that either," Elia said. "May your journey back to Camelot be swift and safe."

Arthur nodded his head to her and turned to his men, ordering them on their horses. Elia turned to do the same with hers as Fianna led her steed to her. Cautiously, she cast one look over her shoulder, seeing Merlin mounting his horse. Their eyes met for a brief moment before she turned away and hopped onto her horse, leading it towards the front of the elves' company next to Trevor.

With a shout, the elves took off, moving quickly through the woods, leaving the knights far behind.

Elia was silent as they rode, her thoughts back to the brief moment she had with Merlin the night before. She realized she had needed it. She needed closure.

It set her heart ablaze, but at the same time, she felt a heaviness sneaking in. For while she would cherish the memory, it was yet another reminder of what she could not have. Regardless, Elia needed to find a way to put Merlin behind her and focus on the future.

"What heaviness is weighing your mind?" Trevor asked softly.

Elia glanced at him, then turned her focus back to the path ahead.

"It is nothing," she replied, her face smooth.

"It is him, is it not?" Trevor asked.

"No," Elia said firmly.

Silence stretched between them and she hoped that he would not speak more on this topic. But it seemed her best friend could not help himself.

"I do wish that we could perhaps regain the closeness we once had," he said. "I know that I betrayed your trust once, but I will not do it again."

"While we have made amends, trust is a tricky thing to regain," she replied.

"I understand... I will do whatever is in my power to try and regain yours," he vowed.

Elia glanced at him and smiled slightly, nodding her head. She then focused on the path in front of her.

"I fear that we have other things to worry about," she said. "Namely the fact that Morgana's men were very nearly at our doorstep. They failed, but she could send more."

"Then we must increase the patrols. Reinforce our protections," Trevor said. Elia nodded.

"If she thinks she can breach our walls, she will find a rather large fight awaiting her," Elia said, her eyes flashing. "We will not be caught unawares again."

"I had assumed as much," Trevor said. "We will need to send word to the outer villages."

"Suspect most of them will wish to come to the capital city for safety. We should make ready for their arrival," she said. "And send extra guards to those that wish to remain."

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