Return to The Willows

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Elia grinned as she watched the large party from Camelot come into sight, banners flying. The woodland streets were lined with many elves throwing flower petals as a group of nights led the king and queen through the city. Though they were still a bit away, Elia could clearly make out the look of awe on Guinevere's face as she looked up into the branches of the tall trees.

It was her first time in The Willows and Elia was eager to show her some of its secrets.

It was hard to keep from bouncing on her toes in excitement, but as Elidren had so playfully reminded her just moments before, a queen does not bounce like a child. Still it was hard to contain her excitement; she had been looking forward to this day for months.

Finally, the monarchs reached them and came to a stop, Elia already began gliding towards them before they had even begun to dismount.

"Welcome to The Willows," she said, her dark green dress flowing airily behind her as she walked.

Arthur dismounted first and then helped Gwen to the ground.

"It is more beautiful than you described," she exclaimed as she took Elia's hands and squeezed them. "Though I fear we may have dressed a bit too warmly. I did not realize when you said the weather was always mild that it would be this mild."

"Easily fixed. I am thrilled that you've finally made it here. There is so much to show you," Elia said. She looked over at Arthur. "The servants will see that you and your knights are taken to your quarters. But if you'll forgive me, I need to steal your wife for just a bit. I have some things to show her."

Arthur chuckled as he bowed.

"Steal away. Just so long as you give her back," he replied.

Though it didn't matter what he said - Elia was already leading Guinevere towards the palace.

"I make no promises!" Elia shouted back at him, winking.

Arthur just rolled his eyes and turned to see after his men.

"Just what is it you have for me?" Guinevere asked as they started up the winding staircase.

"A few gifts... one of which I hope you will wear to tonight's festivities," Elia replied. "Though there are enough you could wear one to each feast that we are hosting in your honor."

Guinevere's eyes widened.

"You had elven dresses made for me?" she asked.

"Of course. I don't have many friends of the female persuasion, so forgive me if I over-indulged a bit," Elia said, grinning. "Every time I try to give Fianna something fancy to wear, she refuses to accept it."

The women hurriedly made their way into the palace and through the many corridors with Guinevere stopping every so often to take in the halls carved from the tree and other splendors. Elia couldn't help but chuckle as she dragged the mortal woman along, eager to get to the privacy of her chambers.

"This is... amazing," Guinevere said, coming to a stop in the middle of the large room and taking it all in. "So much bigger than my room in Camelot. And... you have a pool?"

"Much more convenient than always sending for water," Elia replied as she walked towards her bed where Fianna had just finished laying out the last of the gowns.

They were all made from filmy and flowing fabrics, though in varying shades and cuts to compliment Guinevere's complexion and figure. However, it was not the gowns that had first grabbed the mortal queen's attention. It was the table laden with various circlets in silver and gold, some containing jewels, while others did not.

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