The Arrival

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Merlin stood in the courtyard, his eyes fixed on the gate. He was nervous to see Elia again. He was also nervous about how she and her company would be accepted at court.

Even Arthur's lone supporter Agravaine seemed to have reservations, though he was more careful how he worded them than Alrich and the others. The old codger was still screeching about inviting a potential enemy into their stronghold just that morning to anyone who looked his way.

It had gotten so ridiculous that Arthur had kept to his rooms for the better part of the morning until he received word that the elves were near.

Thankfully all were quiet as they stood and waited.

Merlin's heart began to beat rapidly as soon as he saw the flags of green and silver, emblazoned with a large willow tree on them. It was hard to keep the grin from spreading across his face.

Finally. She was here.

No. They were here. The elves. As in he was happy to see them all. Not just the queen.

A large company of elves on horseback filed into the courtyard, stopping in formation with two wagons at the back. In the middle of it all was Elia, adorned in elaborate armor of forest green leather and silver that glinted brightly in the sunlight. A heavily polished helmet sat on her head as a bow and quiver was strapped on her back and her sword on her side.

Of course, her ever familiar smirk was upon her face as she looked around those gathered before her eyes settled on Arthur. Merlin also looked around, taking in the varying expressions of those gathered.

There were many a raised eyebrow, with some openly gaping. He supposed when Arthur announced a queen was on her way, they had assumed she'd arrive wearing an elaborate gown riding in a grand carriage.

Not decked out for battle. Merlin found it fitting since it was a battle she and Arthur would face, convincing the council that an alliance was a good idea.

Leave it to Elia to make a statement.

She brought her horse to a stop, the ever-present Trevor at her side. She hopped off gracefully and made her way towards Arthur, pulling the helmet off as she smiled.

"Welcome Queen Elia," Arthur said loudly as he bowed his head to her.

Elia stopped at the bottom of the stairs and bowed slightly, placing her right hand over her heart.

"I trust your journey went well."

"Rather well. Ran into a few pesky beasts on the way, but nothing we couldn't handle," she said lightly. "Thank you for the invitation. I'm happy to see you have opened your eyes a bit more."

There was a flicker of a frown on Arthur's face, though he hid it skillfully. Merlin was fairly sure he was the only one to take notice.

"If you don't mind, perhaps I and my company could clean up before we begin proceedings? We're a bit dusty from the road," Elia asked.

"Of course. My servants will take you to your chambers and the grooms will take care of your horses," Arthur said formally.

"Thank you," Elia said, her eyes finding Merlin. "Shall we, Merlin?"

Merlin felt every eye in the courtyard turn to him.

"Yes, your highness," he said, bowing. "Follow me."

Elia smiled brightly and followed him as he turned to walk into the castle. A group of elves quickly ran to a wagon and began pulling trunks off, making to follow. All together there seemed to be about 30 in her company, most of which seemed to be warriors.

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