Chapter 22: Bracelets

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About six months after the big announcement of Neteyam and Y/n being mated, their hut was finally completed. They were fortunate enough to go back home to the forest and gather some stuff and bring it back.

"And....done!" Y/n exclaimed as she placed a last photo on a shelf. Neteyam came up from behind her, snaking his hands around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"It's perfect." He said he looked at the picture. It was the day before everything went horrible. Neteyam's hand was wrapped around Y/n's stomach. She was about two months pregnant, the two very happy to bring a baby into the world. They looked at the picture, seeing Y/n looking at Neteyam while the picture was being taken. Lo'ak had teased them after seeing that picture for many days.

"Y/n! Neteyam!" A voice sounded from outside. The two poked their heads out, seeing Lo'ak and Tsireya. "We are going down to the beach, want to join us." Tsireya questioned the two.

"Alright, let's go!" Y/n spoke as she took Neteyam's hand, running after Lo'ak and Tsireya. They dove into the water, each calling their own ilu. Y/n got onto Neteyam's ilu, the boy holding onto her thigh tightly. It wasn't as comfortable for Y/n anymore because of her small bump. Neteyam really wanted the girl to get her own so she could be more comfortable, but she denied that thought very quickly.

"'Teyam! Y/n/n!" Tuk exclaimed as she ran over to the two, ramming into Neteyam's legs. He winced in pain, Y/n laughing at him as Tuk moved to her, the little girl placing her tiny hands on Y/n's tiny bump.

"That's your niece or nephew in there Tuk Tuk." Y/n spoke, smiling down at the girl.

"How are babies made?" Tuk asked as she looked between Neteyam and Y/n. The two looked at each other in horror.

"Eywa sends an ikran to fly them down to the parents" Neteyam said quickly. Y/n rolled her eyes at him. As if anyone would believe that...

"I can't wait to see it!" Tuk exclaimed. Neteyam's smile fell from his face. He just nodded, walking off towards his brother. Y/n laughed at him, taking Tuk's hand and walking with her down the shore.

Occasionally Tuk would stop to pet some ilu or collect some shells. The two had planned on collecting enough shells to make bracelets for everyone. Tuk had two buckets that she was determined to fill.

"Y/n! This would be perfect for Neteyam's bracelet!" Tuk exclaimed as she ran up to the girl with her hands closed. She opened her hands, displaying a very pretty blue and green shell with brown swirls. The sunlight reflected off of it, making it shine.

"It is perfect." Y/n smiled as the girl placed the shell into her hands. Y/n enclosed her hand around it, keeping it safe and well protected. Tuk ran off into the shallow water towards a lone ilu. Y/n followed her, walking up behind her. She watched as Tuk enjoyed being around the ilu, stroking its head.

"Let me help you!" Tuk exclaimed as she grabbed Y/n's hand and moved it towards the ilu. Y/n smiled at her, the ilu rubbing its head into Y/n's hand. She laughed at the animal, Tuk smiling up at the older girl.

"What do you say, wanna go find Tsireya and make some bracelets?" Y/n asked Tuk. The little girl nodded, taking Y/n's hand and running off. They found Tsireya with her brother, asking to steal the girl for the afternoon. Ao'nung honestly didn't care, he was just happy to get away from her.

"What shells did you pick out, Tuk?" Tsireya asked as Tuk placed the two full buckets onto the floor of the hut. Tsireya gasped as she looked over the shells, smiling to herself. "These are beautiful, just like you." Tsireya spoke.

"Y/n show her the shell I gave you for Neteyam's bracelet." Tuk spoke up, looking at Y/n. Tsireya followed her gaze, looking at Y/n. Y/n unclasped her hand, showing Tsireya the shell. She gasped, moving her hand to pick up the shell.

"That's an Abalone shell! Very rare to find near the shore. They are deep sea shells." Tsireya spoke as she turned the shell around, taking in all of its details. She handed the shell back to Y/n, gathering all of her bracelet supplies. The three started on their bracelets, picking out special shells for each one.

After three hours of hard work, they had finally finished the last bracelet. Tsireya set off to give her bracelet to Lo'ak. She had made more, but Tuk insisted that she would hand them out for her. Tsireya compiled, leaving Y/n with Tuk.

"Who's first Tuk?" Y/n asked. Tuk thought for a moment, putting her hand to her chin as if she was in deep thought.

"Ao'nung and Rotxo." Tuk exclaimed as she ran off to find the two boys. Y/n walked after her, taking large strides to keep up with her.

They had found the two boys wading in the water with their other friends. Y/n knew that his friend group was not the nicest, so she hoped that for Tuk's sake, they would be nice. If they were mean to her, she would drag their asses to the ground, pregnant and all.

"They there are. Ao'nung! Rotxo!" Tuk called out as she swam to them. She had handed the bracelets to Y/n as she swam, the girl walking into the water behind her. The water only reached Y/n's waist, so the bracelets would not get wet yet.

"Hey Tuk! Y/n." Rotxo replied. Ao'nung waved to Tuk, nodding his head to Y/n. His friends looked the Tuk swimming towards them, Y/n raising her eyebrows at them.

"Y/n give it to them." Tuk ordered. Y/n nodded, walking forward and placing the bracelets in their hands. Smiles formed on their faces as they looked down at the bracelets.

"Thank you Tuk." Ao'nung and Rotxo exclaimed as they put the bracelets on.

"Hey, where's ours?" One of Ao'nung's friends questioned Tuk. She turned to them, quickly speaking.

"Sorry, I don't make bracelets for asses." Tuk spoke. Y/n's eyes widened, her mouth dropping open. Ao'nung and Rotxo looked between Tuk and Y/n, laughing at the older girls' expression.

"Tuk! I swear, I'm going to kill Lo'ak." Y/n grumbled as she walked towards Tuk, grabbing her arms and walking out of the water. "Alright, who's next?" Y/n asked again.

"Kiri, Mom and Dad!" Tuk said as she ran to her hut where the three family members sat. The two walked in, Jake and Neytiri looking up. "I made something for you guys!" Tuk smiled as she gave each person their bracelet. They smiled at Tuk, thanking her.

"Tuk I'm going to give mine to Neteyam. I'll see you guys later." Y/n spoke as she waved to them, going to walk out of the hut. Before she could walk out, Tuk hugged her legs.

"Thanks for helping me make the bracelets today." Tuk told her.

"You're welcome Tuk Tuk." Y/n smiled, walking out of the hut in search of Neteyam.

1269 words, proofread. Probably just some cute chapters from now on!

Next chapter Y/n and Neteyam will be brainstorming names. Could you guys give NAME recommendations for both a boy and girl. Thank you! ❤️

Boy -

Girl -

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