Chapter 15: Payakan

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Jake paced around the hut, Neytiri talking to him while Neteyam and Y/n stood in front of them. They glanced at each other with nervous faces, kind of scared of what was going to happen.

"Okay, let's get the elephant out of the room..." Jake started as he stopped pacing around. "You two are not mated yet, right?" He questioned. Y/n and Neteyam let out loud groans of disgust, denying Jake's question.

"Okay good. But now that means that we have to give you a talk." Jake sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face.

"No Jake-" Y/n started, but Jake silenced her. He motioned to the ground, the four of us sitting.

"Dad, we really don't need this talk" Neteyam spoke. Jake looked at him with stern eyes.

"I do not care. For all I know, you two could mate tonight! If I don't give you two this talk now, you'll regret it later in life..." Jake explained. "I know I do." He added. Y/n shouted in disgust, her eyes growing wide. Neteyam looked mortified at his father. Neytiri just laughed at the kid's reactions.

"I'm pretty sure that they did not need to know the very last part Ma Jake." Neytiri cooed. Neteyam nodded his head in agreement with his mother, Y/n smiling at him.

"Alright. So, there is an age where every Na'vi is mated to another. You two are at that age. You will probably be experiencing some new urges now that you two have taken a liking to each other..." Jake told them. He looked between the two, getting blank stares back at him.

"What Jake is trying to say is that we don't want any babies running around just yet." Neytiri explained. Y/n and Neteyam's faces turned red with embarrassment, the two looking away from each other with coughs.

"Dad, we have only kissed once! We are taking it slow" Neteyam said. Y/n nodded at Neteyam's words, Jake's facial expression turned into a relieved one quickly.

"Oh thank Eywa. That could have been way more embarrassing if you hadn't said anything." Jake sighed with a small laugh. He dismissed the Y/n and Neteyam, the two running our of the hut as fast as they could.

As the two walked out, Kiri and Tuk walked up to them. Tuk grabbed Y/n's hand, walking next to her. Kiri was on the other side of Neteyam, smirking to herself.

"So, they give you the talk?" Kiri questioned with a smirk. Neteyam scowled at his sister, hitting her playfully.

"They tried to." Y/n laughed. "It was so embarrassing and weird." She added.

"Dad thought that we were already mated at first." Neteyam spoke softly, not wanting Tuk to hear. But that didn't work out for him.

"What is mated?" She questioned her older brother. The three teen's eyes went wide at the little girl's words.

"Uh it is nothing you need to worry about yet Tuk." Kiri reassured her little sister. The four spotted Tsireya, Ao'nung and Roxto near the water, walking up to them.

"Where is Lo'ak?" Kiri asked. Tsireya pointed out the water, each teen seeing an ilu with a person on its back.

"I think he's going to Payakan." She spoke. The five called their ilus, climbing on to them. Y/n climbed onto Neteyam's again, his hand going to her thigh. She wrapped her hands around his stomach, feeling his toned abs.

They followed Tsireya, Ao'nung and Roxto outside of the reef to a very open and deep part of the ocean. They slid off of their ilus, hiding in some kelp. They watched as Lo'ak approached the large Tulkun, signing to him.

Y/n scanned over the Tulkun's body, looking at all of his details and seeing his missing fin. She also noticed a large scar that started from in front of his eye, crossing over it and down to his fin.

Lo'ak signed something to Payakan, but no one could understand it. That's when the large Tulkun opened its mouth side and Lo'ak swam in. Neteyam went to swim forward, but Ao'nung stopped him while shaking his head.

Eventually Lo'ak came out of Payakan's mouth, a mix of sadness and thankfulness written on his face. He swam to the large mammal and hugged him the best he could. The seven of them swam out from behind the kelp when Payakan left, Lo'ak noticing them. He rolled his eyes slightly, but swam over.

"What that Payakan?" Tuk asked her brother once they reached the surface. Lo'ak nodded, smiling at Tsireya. I think he hoped for a smile back, but her face just held worryness. So did Ao'nung and Roxto's.

The three Metkayina excused themselves from the group after reaching the shore, walking towards the village. No doubt to tell Ronal and Tonowari what had just happened. Just another reason to get in trouble, and another reason for Jake to be disappointed.

"You allowed this!" Ronal shouted. "You allowed him to bond with the outcast?! You just sat there and watched?" Ronal screeched at the three. They hung their heads low, eyes cast on the floor.

Y/n put her hand on Lo'ak's back, rubbing it softly. It wouldn't take a mind reader to know that Lo'ak would be in deep shit.

"Tsireya, you disappoint me daughter." Tonowari spoke, a disappointed look on his face. Tsireya's gaze lowered, too embarrassed to meet her fathers. Then he looked at Lo'ak.

"And you? Son of a great warrior, who has been taught better." Tonowari seethed. The worst thing that Lo'ak could do right now was talk back to the man. And guess what he did? Just that.

"Payakan saved my life sir, you don't know him." Lo'ak explained to Tonowari. Y/n smacked Lo'ak up the side of his head gently before looking at Neteyam. The two shared the same look of annoyance.

"Sit. Sit." Tonowari said as he sat down. "Sit down!" He shouted at all of the kids. All of the kids sat down as fast as possible.  Y/n crouched down next to Neteyam, the boy's hand resting on her thigh.

"Hear my words, boy. In the days of the first songs the Tulkun fought amongst themselves. For territory and for revenge." Tonowari started.  "But they came to believe that killing, no matter how justified, only brings more killing. So all killing was forbidden. This is the Tulkun way. Payakan is a killer. So...he's an outcast." Tonowari finished, his voice getting low.

Y/n felt a gaze on her, scratch that, two gazes. They looked away from Tonowari to see Ao'nung and Roxto staring into her soul. She gave them a weird look, the two quickly diverting their gaze from her.

"I'm sorry sir, but you're wrong." Lo'ak stated. Y/n let out a slight groan, wishing that this would just end and Lo'ak would stop being a dumbass.

"Lo'ak!" Neytiri shouted as she grabbed her sons' shoulder. "You speak to Olo'eyktan!"

"I know...I" Lo'ak started, but his father had cut his sentence off harshly.

"That is enough!" Jake shouted at his youngest son.

"I know what I know." Lo'ak repeated. A growl emitted from Jake, his hand now replacing Neytiri's with a harsher grasp.

"That's enough. I'll deal with this one." Jake assured Tonowari as he grabbed Lo'ak and stormed back to the hut. 

1236 words, proofread. Also thank you for all of the reads, votes and comments!

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