Chapter 7: Pinned

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"Okay Sully, fall in," Jake told everyone as he sat down on the floor. Neteyam dragged Y/n over, plopping them onto the floor next to Lo'ak and Tuk. Neytiri grabbed Kiri, the teen rolling her eyes as her mother pulled her down to sit as well.

Y/n felt kind of like an outsider at the moment because she wasn't really a Sully. I mean she kind of was in one way, but not by blood.

"Okay. I need you kids to be on your best behavior, and I mean it." Jake started, looking at his kids and Y/n. "Learn fast, pull your weight, and don't cause any trouble. Got it?" He questioned, looking at Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Y/n for the last part. It was quiet for a little until Tuks' whining stopped it.

"I want to go home. Tuk cried, rubbing her eyes with her hands. Y/n who was beside her rubbed the little girl's back with her hand.

"Oh Tuk..." Neytiri sighed sadly.

"Tuk, it's okay. This is our home now." Jake reassured his youngest daughter. Y/n let Jake's words sink in. This is our home now. They would most likely never go back to the forest. Y/n let her head sink down, a few tears falling. She never had imagined leaving the forest. She missed her Pa'li, Ana'roi. Neteyam noticed her solemn expression and grabbed her hand, caressing it with his thumb. Jake sighed and continued talking.

"We're gonna get through this." Jake started, taking Tuk's hand. She looked up, seeing Jake looking at her. "We'll be able to get through this if we have each other's back. Alright?" He finished. His tone sounded as if he was trying to convince himself as well as the others.

"What does your father always say?" Neytiri questioned her kids.

"Sully's stick together." They all whispered. Except for Y/n.

"Alright, now this time with a little more feeling." Jake encouraged with a smile.

"Sully's stick together." Everyone said with a little more emotion. Even this time Y/n spoke up too.

After a while of just relaxing around the hut, Tuk convinced Y/n to walk with her along the beach. When the two left the hut, Neteyam followed after them calling their names.

"Y/n! Tuk! Where are you going?" Neteyam questioned as he slowed down to walk next to Y/n.

"We're gonna walk along the beach!" Tuk responded, a bright smile on her face. Neteyam was happy that Tuk was excited to be here. Y/n on the other hand wore a fake smile for Tuk, but Neteyam could see right through it. The three walked along the beach until Tuk spotted an ilu in the water. She ran towards it, giggling. While Tuk and the ilu played, Neteyam and Y/n sat on the beach.

"You can drop the act Y/n. I know that you're faking the smile for Tuk." Neteyam sighed. There was no point in arguing with the boy so Y/n let her smile fall off her face. "What's wrong?" Neteyam asked the girl.

"I just miss the forest. Like a lot. I miss climbing the trees and seeing the forest glow at night. I miss running through the woods with you and hunting as well. But I miss Ana'roi the most." Y/n spoke, the girl moving her arms to hug he knees against her chest.

"I don't blame you. I miss that stuff too, but there are also new things to love here." Neteyam spoke as he put a hand on Y/n's knee.

Y/n moved her head towards the boy, seeing an optimistic smile on his face. She gave him a small one back before the two were splashed with water. Y/n squealed, Neteyam laughing. The two heard Tuk's loud laughter, looking to see her standing next to the ilu.

"You're dead Tuk!" Neteyam joked as he stood up, cashing after the girl into the water. The ilu swam away as an escape. Y/n followed in after them, chasing after Tuk. Eventually, Y/n grabbed Tuk, twirling the little girl around, and hearing laughter erupt from her. Neteyam watched from the side, seeing two of his favorite girls be so happy.

Y/n put Tuk back down, the little girl running along the beach to chase some sand crabs. Y/n was met with a force, sending her tumbling backward, and sitting in the water. She rubbed the water from her eyes, seeing Neteyam laughing. She hissed playfully, her ears lowering as she got up and launched herself at the boy. His eyes went wide when he saw Y/n launch herself at him, a playful hiss coming from her mouth as she did so.

Y/n chased Neteyam around in the water for a little while before finally catching him. She jumped, bringing both of them down. They tussled for a little until Y/n had Neteyam pinned under her. Her hands held his arms over his head, her legs on either side of his waist.

"Got you." Y/n huffed out of breath, but a small smirk still played on her face. Neteyam rolled his eyes and was about to make a snarky remark when we heard Tuk.

"Oh! Ewww!" Tuk screamed. Y/n and Neteyam's faces both turned red, the boy pushing Y/n off of him. She laid in the water for a couple of seconds with a smile on her face until a hand came into her view. She moved her eyes up to see Neteyam looking down at her. She grabbed his hand, and the boy pulled her up out of the water.

As the three walked back to Sully's hut, Neteyam had a smile on his face because his hand hadn't left Y/n's.

A fun little chapter with some fillers. Feel free to comment when something makes you giggle! Or don't, it's your choice ;)

996 words; proofread

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