my sweet first love chapter { 37 Wedding Night part 1💮 }

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[ Others POV ]

" we're going to China!! " Mrs Kim shouted happily.

" China!? " taehyung and jimin both of them asked together.

" Yes children " Mr Kim smiled sweetly.

" but why china? I mean, our marriage is held after four days " taehyung stated.

" Aishh my son, no one will stop you to marry jimin. Actually the surprise is, marriage is held in China!! " Mrs Kim said with a giggle.

" awwwwwww! " jimin clapped his hands together cutely like an happy kid who got a gift from Santa Claus.

" great job mom! " Lisa giggled.

" awww mom who suggested this great idea? " taehyung asked with a happy face.

" your dad honey " Mrs Kim said sweetly.

" Thank you so much appa " taehyung said sweetly and hugged his father tightly.

Mr Kim patted taehyungs back cheerfully. Jimin smiled sweetly, he was missing his father. A drop of tear dropped from jimins eyes and Mr Kim noticed it, he called jimin near to hug.
Jimin giggled and hugged them tightly. Then others also joined the hug.

" Taehyung! We need one girl and one boy! You have to work hard " Jennie shouted playfully.

Jimin's ears turned red, he smiled shyly. Taehyung was amazed but some how that was true. He wanted kids with jimin, specially an girl and a boy. He was happy that he'll finally marry his first love.

" of course yes, right princess? " taehyung winked at his beautiful fiance who was now and then only blushing.

" OF COURSE YES " everyone shouted together and teased the cute new couple.

Taehyung gave a soft kiss on jimin's forehead. The best moment in the family of Kim's.

In China

" fast fast, everything would be decorated perfectly understand " Mrs Kim said to the workers.

" mom! See Mrs park is here! " Lisa shouted happily.

" Oh my! Wait coming " Mrs Kim quickly ran towards them and bowed Mrs park. But Mrs park quickly held Mrs Kim's hands softly which made Mrs Kim look up at her.

" please don't, you guys already did so much for my child..seeing him being happy, makes me feel satisfied. My son is the most happiest person in the whole world. And what can I wish more dear? Thank you so much for everything you guys did for my son " Mrs park said sweetly with her mixed emotions.

" don't thank me Mrs park, I should thank you for excepting the bond of our sons. Thank you so much, let's enjoy this beautiful moments of our childrens " Mrs Kim said and hugged Mrs park with an sweet smile.

" very glad to know that my son will be in an well builded family " Mrs park said with an cute smile like her son.

" haha, that's nothing dear. Well, come let's talk while having some tea " Mrs Kim said and guided Mrs park to their living with Lisa following them behind.

[ Jimin's POV ]

Today was the most happiest day of my life, finally I'm gonna marry my love! dream came true. I was super happy! And those wedding clothes are so beautiful, I don't know how the wedding hall is decorated but I know, it would be super beautiful. I took my wedding robes in my hands, jin hyung and makeup artists were here to help me wear this difficult hangfu. I had wore Korean hangfu dress but...Chinese!? Arghh it's difficult.

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