my sweet first love chapter { 17 }

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[ at morning ]

" ahhhhhh.......lisaaaa," Mrs Kim said.

" hey mommmm, how are you? "

" I'm happy, and when did you
came? "

" yesterday, "

" so where did you spent the night,?"

" at my place momeeeeeee "

" well my cutie pie, you said you will spend 2 weeks on your trip "

" well yeah, teahyung send me for 2 weeks but I was missing you guys so much so...... "

" so ? "

" mom you know that I'm a good frying pan to fry someone's head so I just fighted with him and after holy frying his head I convinced him to make the trip shorter as well "

" Oo God you and your deadhead friend, both are alike "

" well yeah, but please first let me come in . I'm sooo tired and hungry I didn't had my breakfast and just came here like an brain less bimbo "

" okay sweetheart, come in "

[ jimin's pov ]

It was 8 in the morning and the sunlight shined through the window on my face like I'm spotlighted. I slowly opened my eyes because of hearing some chatting from the living. I got up from the bed and heeded towards the washroom to freshen up. I turned the shower on slowly the hot water making my body feel warm like I'm in heaven.

All the memories came back in my mind of last night. It felt so sudden because everything was changed all of a sudden. Thinking all of it I turned the shower off and came out of the washroom. Feeling a beautiful scent in the room, kind of lavender. The same smell when taehyung got close to me last night.

I was finding my dress but saw it on a chair nicely arranged with a note, I opened the note and started to read it and it was given by taehyung.


[ note ]   

Good morning Jimin ,
I hope you slept well ,

Jimin, I washed the clothes for you and now you can wear it. So I will love to know if you stay with us for the breakfast so please.......I'm waiting for you at down stairs.

Yours taehyung ❤


[ taehyung's pov ]

I left a note with his clothes and left the room after I heard someone talking at living. I walked downstairs and glanced at the two ladies talking and laughing and they were non other then mom and lisa.

" hey taehyung, " Lisa called.

" hey, when did you came? " I asked.

" ummm, half an hour ago " she answered.

" Oo "

" so is your head okay? "

" yes~ " I said annoyedly.

" why would his head won't be
okay? after words someone filled his head with roses " my mom teasingly said.

" OMG, taehyunggggggg!!!!!  " she screamed loudly while winking at me teasingly.

" hey you deadhead, don't scream, " I said and suddenly I saw jimin coming down from the steps.

My eyes were locked at him, God he was like an angel came from heaven. He then came to me and shyly talked.

" thank you tae " me mumbled shyly and went to mom.

" Good morning eomma " he said and my mom hugged him tightly.

" you too sweetie, how are you feeling now? "

" I'm okay now, don't worry "

" Ooooo, so sweet of you darling, well this is lisa and lisa this is jimin, this is the boy that taehyung loves " my mom said something in lisa's ear at the end.

" Oo "

" greet him " my mom said and slapped her arms.

" ouch, wait a little " she said while rubbing her arm with a pout.

" hello jimin, I'm lisa as mom said and nice to meet you, up going to be Kim jimin " she said the last word slowly and winked at me.

" nice to meet you too lisa " jimin said sweetly and I felt a little jealous for that.

" Oooooo so cute " she said and caressed his cheeks and here I was burning in anger while jimin was smiling.

" hands off " I said and slapped on her hand.

" Ouch, so jealousy ha.... " she said.

" yes, what do you need from that ? " 

" jimin, look how cruel he is " she said with a pout.

" yeah I am "

" tae don't say like that, she is a nice girl " jimin approached her.

" jiminiii, are you taking her side ? "

" no taehyung....I'm just saving her from you " he said and she laughed.

" wow, what a tight slap " she laughed.

" YOU " I said and moved towards her.

" jimin save me from your demon friend " she said and started to hide behind jimin.

" YOU, COME HEAR " I said trying to catch her behind jimin but unfortunately I slipped and fall on jimin.

" Oops sorry " she said and winked at mom. And I found that it was their creepy plan.

[ others pov ]

Tae fall on jimin while jimin's face went red like a tomato. They both were looking deeply in each others eyes. But suddenly Mr Kim came and saw this, his eyes went wide but happy to see his son with his up going to be son-in-law.

" God, in the morning I have to see this in front of me " Mr Kim said and laughed. In other hand jimin and tae got off from each other . jimin was blushing so hard while tae was looking at his knees.

" hey hey, it's okay no need to be shy "  Mr Kim said and jimin moved towards Mrs Kim and lisa.

( I'm done guys please vote and comment plz plz )

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