my sweet first love chapter { 16 }

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[ jimin's pov ]

As Mrs Kim took me to the dinning and I saw a man sitting over there and if I was not wrong he was taehyung's father. Then I seated in the chair and then I saw taehyung sitting in front of me. Mrs Kim took a seat next to me and started to serve the food to everyone . After eating everything was so silent and a awkward feeling was running inside me but suddenly Mr Kim talked.

" what's your name dear? " he asked with a smile and I can imagine how lucky taehyung is to get parents like them. In other hand I was missing my mom and dad so much.

" his name is jimin, park jimin " Mrs Kim answered when she felt no response by me.

" ha....okay, and how old are you ? " Mr Kim asked.

" i-I'm 20 y/o " I said in hesitation.

" Oo wow, your only 3 or 4year smaller than taehyung " she said.

" so how old is taehyung ? " I asked and looked at tae.

" jiminii, I'm 24 " I said sweetly.

" Oh r- " I was about to talk but I got interrupted by Mrs Kim.

" wait...what? did I heard wrong? jiminiiiii hua? " Mrs Kim teasingly winked at me and then taehyung.

" mom, it's normal. I always call him like this " tae said and I blushed.

" Ooo, okay then " Mrs Kim winked at taehyung.

" jimin, do you work ? " Mr Kim asked.

" yes " I said.

" and where ? " he asked.

" at jin hyung's cafe " tae answered .

" Oo at jin's cafe, and how do you know that taehyung ? " Mr Kim asked to tae.

" because several times he came to jin hyung's cafe. " I said shyly, knowing the reason.

" Oh Ooooooo " Mrs Kim teased and I blushed more hard.

" Oo stop, see jimin is shy " Mr Kim teased.

" shy? but why? " Mrs Kim winked.

" because, I think he knows the reason that why taehyung always came to the same cafe several times " Mr Kim teased and I couldn't hold my blushes anymore and quickly ran towards the room before mumbling good night to everyone.

" you too, goodnight sweet dreams " Mrs Kim said and I shut the door.

[ taehyung pov ]

I was so amazed with his reaction at their teasing.

" taehyung go go, and talk to him a little. I can't wait for my nephews this longer " mom teased.

" moooooooom " I whined.

" okay okay I won't tease you but first go to him " she said and started to push me towards the room and I opened the door and entered.

[ jimin's pov ]

After coming in the room I stood there a little while my heart was beating so fast my cheeks flushed my ears turned red. I was really really embarrassed. And all of a sudden someone opened the door and pinned me on the wall. And it was non other then taehyung. He looked deep in to my eyes and suddenly talked.

" why did you leave? " he asked in a soft tone.

" n-nothing i-i w-was, a little sleepy so I came here " I said shyly looking away.

" Oh really? " he said and grabbed my chin making me to look at his eyes. And then he slowly bent down to my face causing me to close my eyes.

" you already knew right, that why I was visiting the cafe every day, " he whispered in my ears. And I opened my eyes and looked at him and blushed.

" I-i w-want to sl-sleep " I said trying not to look at him.

" okay princess " he said and I blushed more, he leaned in to my face and looked at my lips, then he bites his bottom lip and my ears turned red, I closed my eyes softly then murmured.

" taehyung please be gentle  " I don't know how this word escaped from my mouth . And after hearing this tae slowly got back.

" I know jiminiii, I'm gentle to you " he said softly.

" i-i " I didn't completed my sentence because of embarrassment.

" it's okay princess, I can understand " he said and softly pecked on my cheeks.

" ah....g-goodnight " I said and quickly got off from his grip.

" you too jiminiii " he said and moved towards the door .

But quickly ran back to me and pecked on my lips and ran out before I could say a word. I was blushing mess. I gave my first kiss to someone that I have a feelings for, but I was not sure if I really do love him or not. Then I slowly touched my lips and blushed that how his lips felt so perfect on mine.

[ others pov ]

That night jimin didn't slept. Because of thinking what did just happened a while ago. In other hand taehyung also didn't sleep because only thinking of the youngers words and reactions ( taehyung please be gentle ) . That night both of them didn't got there sleep .


( so guys I'm done and sorry for late updates . Well please don't forget to vote please love you all my loving readers) 

My sweet first love ❤ Vmin Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu