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*(Y/N) literally kills anyone who would stand in her way*

The Lambda squad and Elleinna: Aww! Look at her! She's so precious and harmless!

*Y/N literally standing there in a blood bath*


Y/N: At least I'll die doing what I love.

Peter: What is it?

Y/N: Dying.




Y/N: You're really expecting me to say you? HA! Never you asshole-

*Sad Peter noises*


Y/N: Y/N loves...

*Isabella smiling on the corner*


Y/N: Y/N loves...

*Elleinna and Lucas smiling on the corner*


Y/N: Y/N loves...

*Peter and Andrew smiling in front of her*

Y/N: Murder


Y/N: Don't worry guys, I have a plan.

Elleinna: Does the plan include self sacrifice and killing?

Y/N: I no longer have a plan.


Teacher: What is an example of SA?

*Y/N raises her hand to answer*

Teacher: Correct!



Y/N: Damn, I was trying to hide that-


Random someone: I like your Medusa tattoo. What does it mean?

Y/N: Oh, it's a symbol of strength and power. It is to fight back against the narrative that victims should be shamed, blamed or punished for their assault. I'm a survivor of sexual assault.

Random someone: Oh my god. I'm so sorry.

Y/N: Don't be, it's fine.

*Peter had entered the chat*

Y/N: Holy shit- the hell are you doing here?!

Peter: Knock knock

Y/N: Fine, who's there?

Peter: Definitely not your virginity



Y/N: Motherfucker-


Emma: Norman died when we couldn't remember his blood type. As he died, he kept insisting for us to "be positive". But it's hard without him.

Y/N: Dumb bitch I think he's trying to tell you his blood type.

Emma: His blood type?

Y/N: Yeah, it's "B positive"!

Emma: What?! No Norman!! I'm so sorry!

Y/N: At least he's gone now *sips her tea*

Ghost Norman: why are you so cruel to me my love? *anime crying intensify*


Peter: Hey there Y/N!

Y/N: Speak of the devil, what?

Peter: Nothing, just wanna catch up with you. So, how's your father?

Y/N: I don't have one

Peter: Yeah, just reminding you

Y/N: Oh okay, so, how's your big brother?

Peter: But he's dead.

Y/N: Exactly, just reminding you


Y/N: I literally hate white haired men!

*Peter, Vincent, Norman, Hayato on the corner*

*Sad Peter noises*

Norman: Welp, I have platinum blonde-


*Sad Norman noises*

Hayato: You hate me my Lady? *teary eyed*

Y/N: Awww, of course no my baby. You're blond, not white haired. *hugging Hayato*

Norman: Exactly, I'm platinum blonde, not white-


*Sad Norman intensifies. He joined Peter on the corner, crying*

*Vincent holding a knife to his throat*

Y/N: What the- are you trying to kill yourself?

Vincent: Yes, dying is better than you hating me.

Y/N: Wha- I don't hate you

Vincent: But you said that you hated white haired men.

Y/N: Yeah, but- Wait, you have white hair?!

Vincent: Yes, you just notice?

Y/N: No, I didn't notice. It's hard to know when there's nothing to see.



Vincent: I should have killed myself

Y/N: Vincent no-


*Y/N and Norman laying on the grass*

Norman: Wow! The stars are so beautiful, isn't Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah... But you know who else is beautiful? *stares deeply into his eyes*

Norman: *blushes* Who?

Y/N: Me, of course.


*Y/N teaching the kids some life lessons*

Y/N: In kindness, there's evil. Like Norman *shows Norman's picture.*

Y/N: In evil, there's kindness. Like Sister Krone. *shows sister Krone's picture.*

Y/N: Of course there's balance. Like my Mom, Isabella. *shows Isabella's picture*

Y/N: We can't forget about this pure innocent angel, my baby Phil. *shows Phil's picture.*

Y/N: And then we have this motherfucking rat, Peter Ratri. Who's pure evil that can replace Satans position in hell. *shows Peter's picture with drawing of horns.*

(A/N: so here's a break of the angst that I gave you guys. I hope you guys don't mind some dark humor to cope. Thank you! Please leave a like!)

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