Chapter 8: Toast

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Ayra's POV

Ambition has been my trait since the time I understood the meaning of material significance in life. And in case you are a woman, your ambition must not only your education, career, or family but also to take the command of your life. This ambition of being decisive and determined at every step of life made me headstrong and stubborn. Reaching where I am today wasn't a cake walk back then. Figuring out the passion, craving the path all alone was toilsome. Everything in that journey taught me that 'it's you- the controller, responsible for your life'. And you should never lose that power.

"After hours of discussion and debates, the ministry has finally shortlisted two proposed prospectuses out of which one lead the other due an incredibly significant factor." the minister finally began his speech for the day

Honestly, I was terrified but somewhere I knew that I will win this project. Vayu can deliver impossible results, a skilled and dedicated workforce, and of course we had reputed external investor for the project. Yet I felt my heart thumping against my ribcage at an insane rate, my hands were sweaty, and I was trying my best not to fidget or tap my foot on floor in a sync. I couldn't let this nervousness overpower me. I looked at Vihaan who seemed to be horrified, fidgeting his fingers and muttering something I was not able to recognize. Maybe a prayer, he did that frequently from the day Maniya left us. And Vimal sir who was sitting left to me on the circular table seemed composed and calm or maybe he is great at hiding his anxiety. This is the thing I liked most about this old man, not let anyone know what exactly you are feeling. I adjusted myself on the chair, leaning forward on the table and tapping my fingers in a rhythm on the table.

"One prospect assured us that they will complete the project before the deadline with prominent quality parameters and with a decent profitability ratio. Hence, I would take this opportunity to congratulate Vayu Energy Space Limited on winning the deal."

I stopped tapping on the table. I froze for a moment. I won it. Yes, I did it. The entire nervousness was replaced by a wave of ecstasy, contentment and triumph. I tapped my palm on the table proudly, while my eyes shone with pride and joviality. My entire body was covered in the euphoria of victory, the corners of the lips spread in a rapturous smile. I felt like I was flying high in the sky and there was no fear to look down at the ground. Finally, the efforts I put in; the challenging decisions I took met their destination. Vihaan took me into a bear hug, and I wanted to cry in his arms. We worked so hard for the project together despite the indifferences and arguments we had over this. This is our achievement, our moment to live. I pushed back the glossy teardrops and faced Vimal sir who patted me on the shoulder with a bask in look and mouthed us congratulations.

"I would like to call Ms. Ayra Rai and Mr. Vihaan Bansal on stage to handover the project" the minister announced our names.

I stood up, buttoned up my grey coat and pushed the sleeves higher on the arm, adjusted the watch and walked confidently towards the podium followed by Vihaan, We shook hands with the minister, and he handed us the signed contract papers.

I grabbed the mic," the opportunity is huge, but the responsibility is even more tremendous. This project is not just another project for Vayu but also a chance to prove again its worth. It's   a vision to push the boundaries of risk and work harder and smarter. Vayu will fulfil the promises with diligence of quality at production. Lastly, I would like to thank minister sir for providing us with this magnificent possibility." I ended my speech and the entire hall cheered up with smiles and applauded Vayu.

"Mr. Bansal could you please join us to complete the remaining paperwork and procedure. Till then Ms. Rai can handle the media for the byte." the minister requested politely. Vihaan went on to the minister's office and I moved towards the media arena. Quickly I gave my bytes to the media pretty much like what I said earlier, can't give in much to them. Confidentiality must be maintained throughout all the phases of the project. I moved back to the conference room to check whether Vihaan winded up the remaining requirements, only to find Mr. Shekhawat discussing something with Vimal Sir. I moved towards them.

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