Chapter 6: Plan

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Author's POV

We always plan our paths whether the goal is small or big, we plan always. Planning a trip or planning a career or planning a perfect future, every aspect of life requires a certain amount of planning to reach the destination of the journey. But not always all our plans meet its horizon of reality. It's not necessary that everything goes according to our plans. Life loves to play with our plans with its own ideas. We try harder to follow our plans to reach that goal but at times life's plan is bigger than ours. And when reality is far away from our plan we resent over life, we curse life's plan. But do we really ponder if our plan is worthy of us? Is life's plan better for us? They say that everything happens for a good reason, maybe that's true, maybe our fate plans are better for us.

Aarav and Ayra are planning their own paths towards that successful goal but is that what life has planned for them? Maybe life has better plans for these two or maybe not.

"Mehra was right, sometimes we need to make tough decisions to win over life. Decisions are taken, a plan is prepared to win everything. I love to keep things under control, and I will regulate this too." Ayra thoughts halted when a frustrated Vihaan entered her cabin and threw some papers on the table towards her.

"What is this Ayra?" He growled

She glanced over the paper, "A bundle of white sheets, printed with black ink Vihaan" she replied with innocence

"Are you finding this funny?" he asked, and she nodded negatively

"You asked the lawyers to prepare the contract papers with Vimal Mehra. Are you fucking kidding me? You agreed to marriage.?" He questioned and she nodded again affirmatory

"Why did you do that Ayra? Did his son force you or something? You don't really need to do this. Project is not more important than you." he move closer to her armchair and held her shoulders with his arms

"No one can force me Aarav you know this." she smirked and pulled away to give some attention to the black and white pieces of crystals on the glass board game.

"Stop playing with chess for fuck's sake and answer me, why Ayra?" he screamed in agitation

"It's ages we played chess let's have a match animal" she proposed turning towards him

"Can you stop playing around and get serious with this conversation" he pulled a chair and sat in front of his annoying best friend.

"Why are you behaving like me Ayra?" He hissed

"Side effects of your companionship I believe. Chill down, play a game and I will fill you with details" she grinned widely while placing the white and black pieces of chess in their respective places on the board. She chose the black side and moved the knight in a typical L-shaped pattern towards the right of the board.

"Remember that college guy the one who used to compete with me every time?" she spouted while Vihaan moved the white pawn twice from left.

"The nerd one, tall with those two cute dimples?" he tried to recall a similar face with amusement

"You are sounding like a fanboy" she snarled and moved her second black pawn once from left

"Every girl was behind him that time ofc except you and whatever we did to him it's not easy to forget him." he shrugged and brought his right white Knight in towards her black one

"He is Vimal Mehra's son." she revealed with a small frown and moved her another black pawn twice on the board

"What? Did you start taking drugs?" he deadpanned

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