Chapter 9: Sunset

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Authors POV

"Aarav, come on just few more steps and we will reach to the top Taljai Hill, sun will set in another 5 minutes I don't want to miss it"

"Eisha, be careful, hold my hand firmly, look down and climb up"

"Aarav, don't be silly how will I climb up while looking down"

"No, I meant just be careful, you always end up falling here and there for no reasons"

"You won't let anything happen to me; I have given you the rope of my life"

"Why you trust me so much when my Dad doubts me?"

"He is not able to see what gem you are, that's his problem, his loss. I have given you my trust because I know you will protect it and me till the very end"

"Eisha, sometimes I feel I will lose you"

"I will leave you the day I will take my last breath in your arms"

"Stop talking about d word, Eisha"

"Okay sorry. And finally, we reached. Glad sun is still playing with the sky. Click pictures quickly"

"No, I want to capture this memory here in my heart."

"I love you even more when you behave all romantic and mushy, Aaru"

"Don't call me Aaru please"

"Aaru, Aaru, Aaru"

"Eisha, I swear I will not talk to you for a week if you call me with that name"

"Haha, you can't live without me even for a day forget about a week, Aaru"

"Give some attention to sunset as well, what's point of coming so far if you just want to blabber"

"Aarav, I wish us to have an ending like this"

"Like what?"

"Like sunsets, beautiful, long and warm. I want to watch every sunset of my life by you at my side"

"Happy 1st anniversary Eisha, thank you for being my sun"

"Happy anniversary Aaru, I love you so much"

"I love you more"


His eyes snapped open. He was shaking, shivering, his body was covered in sweat, his heart was pounding deep down in a black hole. Nightmares. It came back again, brought the same wave of pain, remorse and guilt. He straightened up and leaned back on the headboard of the bed. While taking deep breaths, he was trying to control the burst of memories in his heart.

Memories of his first love. Memories of his Eisha.

He looked outside the window; the sun was rising with its glory slowly brightening the sky. The sky could feel the warmth of the sun, but all he could feel was bitter cold. He had lost his sun, his source of warmth. An alone tear escaped his right eye, his dry lips parted to release a squall. The hurt was shattering his chest into pieces of uncontrollable lamentation.

"Why Eisha, why didn't you trust me? Why did you leave me like this? You took a promise to watch every sunset together, and here I have to undesirably face every sunrise, without you. Why? Why is life so unfair to me? You just didn't leave me but took a part of my soul with you. Harsh. You were cruel to me. I deserved a chance to explain. I deserved to admire every sunset with you." he sniveled while pulling his legs to his chest, drowning his head, covering himself with his arms. He wished to seek some warmth, to calm himself, but miserably failed. He sobbed for her solace.

Until Next Time Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ