Chapter 3: Possibility

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Ayra's POV

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Ayra's POV

Every new day is another opportunity to control situations, emotions and aspirations. I can neither agree with Malhotra's investment nor can I afford to lose on this project. Anyhow I need to find a new investor for the project. I finally reached the office after a hectic drive of 1.5 hours. Traffic in Mumbai can get wild anytime, which is the reason I always reach before the time. Punctuality has been my thing. I quickly walk towards the conference room for the meeting with the core team.

"Good morning, ma'am" Shukla Ji greeted me with his evergreen warm smile. He has been a part of Vayu since the start of the company. His experience and deep strategic knowledge helped me to bring Vayu to this height. A true asset, a dedicated old man.

"Morning Shukla Ji, have you prepared final draft on raw material budget and what about lab site dispute?" I asked while settling myself on my chair at the end of the table.

"The scientists have given the final detailed material list alongside equipment requirements, the finance department has prepared the budget which have cross-check with our financial constraints, lab site which you have shortlisted is being crossed check for dispute and its clear. Nothing to worry about that." He filled me with the information.

"The only thing to worry about is the damn investor. Any leads on that?" I graved

"Unfortunately, not, our regular foreign investors are ready to invest but as per government's prerequisite foreign investors are not allowed in this project funding"

"Shukla Ji, we have a great reputation. We have been working for the last 5 years in this industry delivering a high quality of work and we have not been able to find an investor for this project for a month now. It's terribly alarming for us."

"Ma'am investors are aware of the risk associated in this project. It's just too difficult to convince anyone to board." He felt defeated in his voice. But I can't lose this project not at this moment when I have already planned and arranged everything for it expect this fucking funding. How I wish the government didn't put up the condition of an external investor in this project.

"Good morning everybody meeting already started?" Vihaan entered the
conference room, as always late.

"Its 10:34 Vihaan meeting was supposed to start at 10:30." I snapped at him.

"It's just 4 minutes Ayra chill have this cold coffee." He brought my favourite coffee. Bastard knows very well how to melt me.

Concentrate Ayra.

"Practically I can't chill Vihaan Bansal because we still looking for the investor, so sit down and focus." I took away the coffee cup from him.

"I am solution to all your problems Ayra" He delightfully gave a big smile to everyone in the room.

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