I pulled out my wand and held it behind my back, "just exactly what do you want, Cormac?"

He sneered, stepping closer, "I've been told you're a rather fantastic kisser," he winked.

"You'll just have to leave that to rumors," I shrugged, inching away from him as he continued to move closer.

"You're not getting out of this too easily," he growled.

I shivered as he closed any space between us, he gripped my wand hand so fast that the shock made me drop my wand at my feet. His eyes were filled with lust and hunger as he grinned. Cormac had the build of a beater, which meant that he was easily over powering me, he had me trapped. That was until I kicked up, taking out his knees and reaching for my wand.

"You little bitch!" He seethed as he crumpled to the floor. I kicked his ribs in and glared. 

I smirked, "next time I'll do much worse." I grabbed the book I had placed down on the table and ran off before he could say a word, I knew the second I left that he would rush around the school telling everyone what I did. But I didn't care. Not one bit. Hopefully that would make people leave me alone.

*Fred's POV*

George sighed as we carried our snacks from the kitchens to our dormitory. "Kayley's going to be fine...isn't she?"

"Hard to tell, she's going to murder us the second she finds out though," I shrugged.

George heaved a sigh again, leaning his head back as we walked. "Not like we can take her with us."

"Butternut Squash," I spoke to the Fat lady before glancing at me. "We can't, she's only fifteen after all. and what would her father say if she just suddenly jumped ship?"

We walked up the steps to the dormitory, "I'm going to talk to Harry about what needs to be done. Save me a few chocolate frogs, would you?" George called before walking off.

"Not in your life," I snorted. I opened the door to our dormitory to find Kayley standing besides one of the windows, watching our fireworks make short work of the grounds of Hogwarts. "Kayley!" I dropped the snacks on my bed as she flashed me a tight smile before looking back out the window.

"You two are planning something, aren't you?" She whispered.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Because you two wouldn't waste your entire supply of fireworks if there wasn't a motive behind it," she explained.

I walked over to her, as we stood there I noticed she moved a step closer. "We're helping Harry with something soon, just needed a good bit of distractions."

Kayley let out a long sigh and smiled, "is that all?"

No, there was more, so much more that she should know but couldn't. "That's all poppet."

Kayley gave me a weird look, turning so she was facing me; a firework zoomed pass the window and illuminated her eyes and hair in a shimmering red light. God she was beautiful.

"When's the last time you called me that?" Kayley asked, she looked like she was trying to figure something out.

"Last year at the Yule Ball," I shrugged. I grinned, remembering how I had taken her as my date and she was the single most ravishing thing there.

Kayley smiled slightly, "Freddie....I want to tell you something."

"Before you do, I need to tell you something first."

Kayley's stance instantly changed and I knew exactly what was happening as I watched her smile fade. Her eyes narrowed as she guarded herself for whatever was coming. It's now or never, Freddie, don't be a coward. You're a Gryffindor for Godric's sake!

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