"She's right."

The boy is stunned. "But I can-"

Bianca crouches down to his eye level. "I will not let you go down your father's footsteps. Listen to your mother and make her proud. She needs for you to stay out of trouble. Promise me while crossing your heart."

The boy makes a cross-like motion over his heart. "I promise."

She flashes a small grin while standing up. "Good. Would you like some food?"

The widow shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Signora. I'm not in the mood to eat. I do have a question.....How did you regain strength after what happened to your late husband?"

Her soften emeralds turn dark. "When I saw what they did to him, it didn't take long for the gun to travel to my hand. Zero regrets....and I would do it all over again."

Chills run down the spines of the mother and son.

Her eyes soften with the flip of a switch. "If you need anything else, let me know. I will have my men drop off some food for you and your son."


As Bianca turns away, her eyes meet Miguel's. Unwavering sympathy without judgment. However, she could have sworn his dark chocolate eyes sparkled from showing her compassion. Her eyes turn cold to resume her role as leader.

She and her men leave the funeral home to return to her place. Miguel rides in a separate car while keeping his hands ready to pull out his pistols.

Nothing happens until they get to the gate of her home. Xianmao taps her cane repeatedly for the long wait while Jian stands beside her with a bag in hand. Several Triad members are hanging by her limo.

Luis stops the vehicle out of shooting range. Miguel and her men cautiously exit their vehicles while brandishing their guns.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Bianca sighs from the call on her phone as she exits. "Xianmao, what is the meaning of this?"

"A sign of good faith. Although we couldn't find our traitor, we did recuperate some of the money. We will continue to search for them."

Bianca nears them with El Segador following behind her. Her cane wobbles from the masked killer's gliding walk as if he wasn't human. Jian swallows the lump in his throat from being this close to the legend himself.

Orchidea's freezing emeralds only adds to the atmosphere. "I appreciate this....Jian."

The young man's jaw almost drops. "You're...welcome, Signora."

"You have a good man on your side," Bianca compliments.

"You do as well. Although, he would have gotten all the money and the job done."

Jian forces himself not to react.

"You should still appreciate your grandson's efforts to correct your mistake."

The nostrils of The Triad's elder leader flares before tapping her cane. "At least I didn't raise mistakes. Your daughter-"


Bianca's slap knocks her to the ground. Jian attends to her while their men pulled out their guns.

"Don't fire!" Xianmao shouts while pushing Jian away from her. She stands up by herself in front of a heaving Orchidea.

Miguel's brown pistol cocks in front of the eldest Triad leader. Those abysmal eyes stun her in place. A complete monster she had never witnessed before.

Jian brings out his handgun to point at El Segador. His hand trembles as those same eyes didn't care about dying. If he wanted to, he could haunt them from the grave.

Bianca brings the gun down while keeping her eyes on Xianmao.

Her heavy breaths can almost melt a sheet of ice. "The next insult about my child will send you into an early grave. Leave before I sic El Segador on you."

Her emeralds glare at them as they walk away from the entrance. Guns are trained on their men until they leave out of sight.

In her limo, Xianmao spits out a tooth. While she curses her existence and Jian's incompetence, he thinks about what the rat is planning to do next. 

After getting inside, Bianca checks the house cameras from her room. They never got inside to her relief.

Soft knocking. "Signora?"

She waves Miguel inside who closes the door. He informs her of what he found and his next move.

"Is that okay?" he asks.

"El Segador, you can do what you wish."

"Still, your permission matters to me."

Her emeralds stare at him. Is he submissive because I'm his boss or....She clears her throat. "You can't go alone. I will contact an undercover cop to go with you. Also, wear this on your tie," she tosses the microdot camera to him.

"As you wish. Also, I'm sorry about what she said about your daughter. That was uncalled for."

She kills the smile that was going to form from his comforting words. "Get ready."

He leaves her room. "Oh, thanks for the flowers," before closing the door behind him.

She wanted him to stay to see the appreciative smile on her face. She smacks her cheeks as she gets serious for her phone call. 

Be safe, Miguel.

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