"Welcome. Thank's for coming." I say nervously, trying not to stare. Lord, she's beautiful. "My mom and Harper are already upstairs in the playroom. Can I get you some Coffee, Sweet Tea or Water, before we go to meet them?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Do you have any questions you would like to ask?"

"I have one, that I meant to ask yesterday at my interview, but it totally slipped my mind. It's kind of personal and I apologize for that. But the answer will really help me understand Harper better." She says as she fiddles with her necklace. "If it didn't then I wouldn't ask."

"Oh okay, if it's going to benefit Harper then ask away."

She takes a deep breath then looks me in the eyes. "Why do you have full custody of Harper and not her mother?"

Boy, she wasn't kidding when she said it was personal. "Well, it's complicated, but let's just say her mom has a very busy schedule and leave it at that."

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I realize it's none of my business. But by knowing Harper's relationship with both her parents I'm better equipped to understand what she's feeling and that is extremely important to me. So thank you for your answer."

I am shocked by her genuine sincerity. "You are welcome, now let's go meet my little angel." I say as she follows me up the stairs to the playroom.


Lynette's POV

Once we feel that Harper is comfortable with Liddy, Hunter and I walk to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. "Is everything okay?"

"I think so. I am just distracted by something Liddy said to me earlier."

"Want to talk about it?" I ask as I hand him his freshly brewed cup of coffee.

He takes the mug and just holds it, looking at it for a few seconds before speaking. "Libby wanted to know why I had custody of Harper and not Renee."

"She did? What did you tell?"

"I didn't give her many details. I mainly said her mother had a busy schedule. She seemed to accept my answer, then thanked me for telling her. She claims that the information will help her understand Harper's feelings better."

" You sound like you don't believe her."

He rubs the back of his neck. "I really want to believe she's being sincere and not just trying to get some personal details about my divorce. But... "

"But you're having a hard time letting yourself trust her.....Or any other woman for that matter, except for me." He nods his head. "Wow, Renee really left you with some major trust issues."

"Yes, she did."

I give him a hug. "Please remember not every woman is going to turn out like Renee. There's many trustworthy ladies out there and I have a strong feeling Liddy is one of the dependable ones."


Hunter's POV

"I know I have to start trusting again, but it terrifies me. That's why I don't want to date anyone. What happens if Harper gets close to them and then we break up because they lie to me? Just thinking of what that could do to her emotionally makes me ill."

"Everything will work itself out, I promise." She states before kissing me on my forehead. "God always has a plan and everything happens for a reason."  

Before I can reply my watch alarm goes off, reminding us that forty five minutes have passed.

She smiles. "Let's go see how Liddy and Harper are doing."

I slowly follow mom up the stairs. The whole time praying that Harper will give us a clear sign that Liddy is or isn't the nanny she wants. When I open the door, after lightly knocking, I can't believe what I see. 'No Way?'

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