Chapter nineteen

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Having a panic attack in the tiniest bathroom of a fancy mansion is not how I pictured my night going.

I haven't seen a glimpse of Harry since our screaming match, and I can't say that I'm not thankful about that.

He turned his back and stormed away from me, and to be honest, I'm glad he did.

I don't think I've ever been as angry or confused as I was when I pulled him down that corridor, knowing that he's been lying to me the past couple of days.

Also not to mention he tried lying to me when I confronted him about it, I cant believe Jess failed to mention anything even when she was at my apartment, either.

Leah and I welcomed her into our home with open arms, we gave her a chance and I really thought we were about to become friends, figure things out and I finally felt like I would have a friendship in the workplace.

But to find she also kept this from me, I'm not so sure I want to try with that anymore.

I've locked myself in a bathroom stall, crouched on top of the toilet seat with my knees right up to my chest. I've squeezed them together so hard, no wonder why it took so long for my breathing to come back.

It's a weird feeling, being completely helpless in such an unfamiliar place. No matter what I said to myself these past 10 minutes nothing helped me calm down.

So many thoughts running through my mind, what does Marcus possibly want with me? Why was I requested here? Why did Harry lie to me? Why was he being so shady about it?

And yet, there was still a tiny ounce of me wanting Harry to come into the bathroom behind me, to ask if I'm okay, to reassure me, to tell me what's going on.

But he didn't.

I've had my eyes shut for the better half of 10 minutes and because of the panic attack I had, I could not tell you whether someone is in here with me or not.

I remove my hands from around my legs and let them fall onto the floor, feeling a little less heavy like I've lost the circulation in them where I've been clinging so tight.

I hear the door fling open and bash against the wall of the bathroom, completely startling me, causing me to jump back and hit my head on the wall behind me.

"Shit!" I mumble, rubbing small circles on the back of my head to minimise the stinging.

I have no idea who just charged in here and I don't particularly want to draw attention to myself, who knows what's going on in this shit show of a place anymore.

"Grace?" The voice whisper shouts from the entrance to the bathroom.

There's only two people this could be and to be quite honest I don't particularly want it to be either.

"Grace! I know you're in here, stop being a stubborn bitch."

I scoff.

"Me the bitch?" I shout back, still not moving from my spot.

"I knew that would get you."

Harry shuffles on his feet closer to the bathroom stall, with a swift move he kicks open the door so it flies backwards and bounces off the wall. One of the hinges popping off in the process.


"I wasn't sure if you were actually in here." He leans his side onto the wall, looking in on me. Arms crossed over his chest with his brows furrowed.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Lucky guess."

"What do you want, Harry?"

"Why are you sitting on the toilet seat?" He gives me a once over.

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