Chapter ten

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Two hours earlier.

"Harry, this is so risky. Are we sure we need to do this now? I have a bad feeling about it." Niall half whispers half shouts at me through the earpiece. I'm standing in this darkened alley next to a rusty steel door that looks like it's been there for years.

Glasses and black hoodie on, I flip the hood up. Just for extra protection because no one can see you when your hoods up, right?

"What choice do I have? They said they wanted it done now. This wasn't my call." I shrug my shoulders, not that he could see. "They sprung it on me, I don't know why. It'll be over soon, just shut up and get ready."

Niall is a couple of streets over, it's too risky for us to be seen together in the same place. Just in case something goes wrong and we have to make a run for it. It's easier that way.

I let myself glance around one last time, making sure no one's watching. I give Niall the signal and I can hear his quiet tapping away on his keyboard.

Nialls clever, I don't know where he learnt all this hacking shit but he did and he does a good job. We make a good team.

All I have to do is get this car to the warehouse and I'm done. Nothing I haven't done before.

The key starts to buzz letting me know that the system is activated, letting out a sigh I pop the door and make a quick dash into the car, just like clockwork.

I rip my jacket off and throw my phone into the passenger seat. Doing a quick once over of the car to make sure there's no one in the back seat or any hidden traps.

It's happened before.

The engine starts to hum to life underneath me, shifting the car into gear, I make a bolt for it. Speeding through the back alley and onto the main road, I make a sharp left and accelerate rapidly in Nialls direction.

My phone starts to ring from the passenger seat so I pick it up and put it to my ear. Seeing Nialls name flash up, I roll my eyes. This can't be good.


"Harry, I thi- think we have a, uh, problem." He stutters out.

"What's happening?" I spit at him.

"Well, as soon as you started the car, my laptop completely shut down. Then started displaying some weird ass countdown." He sounds out of breath.

"Well that's fine, right? I'm in the car, no big deal. I'm just about to reach you, be ready." I say sternly, making a right down to the street Niall is on.

"It would be fine, yes. If it didn't just tell me to watch...our back?" He ends the phone call, sounding confused.

I roll into the street he's on and spot him crouching down behind a bin, he realises it's me and jogs over to the car. Laptop in hand and worry plastered over his face.

He fumbles as he enters the car, making sure he's got everything and constantly looking over his shoulder.

"Harry, you need to go." He gestured out of the front window.

My eyes locked on his face, I can't form any words.

Why is this happening?

Feeling a lump start to form in my throat, he's being really jittery and that's not like him.

He's usually cocky after doing these runs, rightly so. He's good at it.

"Did you fucking hear me? GO!"

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