Chapter sixteen

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This week has been slow, it's dragged so much. I'm still not used to these long hours in the office. I have never done a job like this before.

The jobs I had back home always kept me on my toes, customer driven etc. I quite liked it, I was always busy so I wasn't stood around doing nothing.

Except here I'm just always sitting down and typing away on a computer, I really don't like it. The only thing keeping me here is the pay for such a silly little job.

Harry's been the exact same this week, bossing me around and giving me one worded answers all the time. You'd think he'd at least make a little more effort considering what happened between us the other day but there's been zero change.

I've also seen a lot more of Niall this week, he's been hanging around every morning and always being in Harry's office with him when I get in. Though, he's a lot more mute than usual.

It's been a strange week.

It's Thursday afternoon now, well, early evening. I'm just finishing up the last of the work Harry set for me today. Nothing too hard, just working with some figures, the same as always.

Harry's been quiet today, he's been in and out a couple of times but hasn't bothered me too much. Hasn't done any shouting or being a dick towards me which is a nice change.

I put in the last figure to my laptop, closing the lid and getting ready to pop it in my bag and make my way home.

"Heading home already?"

"Jesus, stop sneaking up on me like that." I clamp my hand over my chest.

He really needs to stop doing that.

Harrys stood leaning against the door frame, as he usually does. His curly hair now scraped back into a bun with his black sunglasses perched on top of his head.

He's wearing a sheer white shirt today which allows me to see his stomach tattoos through it. Though I've never really paid much attention to them so I can't make out what they are.

Has his body always looked that toned?

Nope we're not doing that today.

I shake my head slightly to snap myself back into the room with him.

"Was I sneaking up on you or were you just not paying attention Grace?" He smirks at me.

"Mmm very funny, and yes I'm heading home, I'm done for the day." I flash him a sarcastic smile.

Harry clears his throat and walks into the room a little more, he has a weird look on his face and I can't quite work it out.

"You've done good this week, I've sent you a lot of work to do and you've gotten on with it well." He praises and shuts the door behind him.

I nod my head and let out a small sigh. "Thank you, it's been hard adjusting but I think I'm finally getting used to it."

"There's a uh, work event tomorrow that I have to go to..." he takes a seat on the edge of my desk. "I need you to come with me." He releases a shaky breath as he waits for my reply.

I stop what I'm doing and place my bag back on the desk. "You need or want."

"Well, I need you to be there, it's a work event, you work here and you work for me...yes?" He bites back a small smile.

"I suppose that's true, what's it to do with?" I question.

He screws his face up, acting confused. "Work."

I roll my eyes at him.

"It's the annual gala we hold for HS unlimited, all the employees need to be there. My boss is going to be there so it's a pretty big deal."

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