"No way in hell you could've taken him down. You think lying like that will motivate me to help you?"

"You're right, wrong, and right. I didn't take him down, the devil did."

"The crimson monster from the news?"

I snapped my fingers. "Bingo. The media barely scratched the surface of his recent activity, so allow me to enlighten you."

"I stopped listening to your stories in eleventh grade, Uncle." He crossed his arms defensively. "Everything you say is a lie."

"Fine, you want a way to authenticate what I'm about to tell you? I'll give you a foolproof way at the end of the story."

No response, only a blank stare. Good enough.

"The monster is actually an alien,  and his name is Kazar. He showed up in my lair through some sort of teleportation. Being the more dangerous figure, he seized control of my gang and mobilized them to retrieve spaceship parts that turned out to be related to Tekeon." I paused briefly to analyze the environment through the windshield. We were nearing S.P.E.R.E Sci.T. meaning I had to pick up the pace. "The fourth and final spaceship part was recovered earlier today by my team from Tekeon's very own backyard. While I was at it, Kazar had set out to find your beloved hero and 'separate' him. Turned out he was two in one; alien and human. The alien is now a prisoner of Kazar back in the underground lair. And Kazar plans on using its life force to power a portal generator he's assembling with those spaceship parts."

Nic's black eyes looked laser-focused. Perhaps there was hope."If what you're saying is true, where will the portal lead?"

"Where else?" I glanced at my wristwatch. It was nearing midnight, and Kazar had been in the lair for over seven hours. Half of the time, I'd been zipping through the city. Would I get the weapons in time? "To his home planet, of course. A full-scale invasion is coming, but I have not been idle. I have a plan...and that's where you come in."

"Wow." Nic slumped his shoulders. "That sounds...like a load of bullshit. Drop me off, now."

Oh boy. I had to convince yet another soul to cling to my words. Story of my life. "Those you trust keep secrets too, you know. It's the nature of people."

He scoffed. "Are you trying to tell me you've got dirt on Gina?"

I squinted my eyes, trying to connect the dots, and when it clicked, I burst out in laughter. "I'm not talking about the side chick you were kissing at that dinner. I'm talking about your famous friend."

"Jason? What about him?"

"He's the solid proof that what I told you isn't false. The yard I dug the last spaceship part out of was Jason McLean's villa."

"No...way. Are you saying- "

"He was Tekeon, just ask him yourself."

Luckily, there seemed to still be some part of him that respected my opinions because he reluctantly brought out his phone.

"Go on." I urged.

He dialed a number and put it on loudspeaker. "Jason," a hint of anger laced his voice.

"Nic? Are you okay? Where-"

"Stop ranting, I'm fine. But I have one question for you, and I want the truth."

"You sure you're ok? I saw them kidnap you. Where exactly—"

"Jason!" He snapped.

"Okay, okay. What's the question?"

"Were you Tekeon all along?"

A dramatic pause. Fit for a telenovela. "Nic, I don't understand. Why are you asking me that?"

"I only want the truth, Jason. I'll tell you where I am if you answer."

Lingering silence. "Fine. You're right."

"Give me a clear answer, buddy. Were you Tekeon, yes or no?"

"Yes! Okay? I was Tekeon. How did you find out? Where are you?"

Nic balled his fists and clenched his jaws. "Yes? All this time and you didn't tell me?"

"I can explain."

He took a deep breath. "There's nothing else to explain, Jason. You don't trust me, and you always want everything to be about you!"

He cut the call.

"So?" I crossed my arms.

"You were right."

Somehow, those words weren't as pleasing to hear as I thought they'd be.

He tore his gaze from his shoes and fixed them on me. A glint of hope in his eyes. "So, what do you plan to do?"

Finally, he was onboard. I straightened up. "Word has it that S.P.E.R.E Science and Technology is secretly working on special high-tech weapons. An associate of mine found a report on their latest test run. One of the weapons was reported to have blown up a chunk of diamond to pieces. Powerful stuff."

He folded his arms and averted his gaze. "I think I might have heard of it. But that's top secret. Only some senior-level staff are meant to know. Though it seems word spreads beyond the office these days."

"Indeed. So now, a junior-level staff and his gang leader uncle are going to get those weapons and put them to good use."

Hank interjected from the front. "We're here, boss."

I acknowledged with a nod before turning back to Nic.

"I need you because you work here. The interior of the complex is familiar to you."

He pouted. "Even if you had the mob behind you, which you don't, you wouldn't stand a ten percent chance of successfully raiding this tech fortress. They have gun-wielding robot guards, maximum lockdown features, and cameras that fire deadly lasers."

"When did you start thinking Uncle Alain wasn't smart." I grinned wildly as I flashed the all-access card.

"An all-access clearance! How on earth did you -"

"Doesn't matter now. Take it, and take this suitcase." I lifted a brown sturdy suitcase from the floor and passed it to him. "In there is a dry-cleaned suit to look the part. Two of my men in the back are already in costume and will accompany you with empty metal trunks to transport the weapons. Once you're in, find a bathroom, change, and locate the secret lab as quickly as possible. If there's any setback, my men have chloroform, muscles, and guns." I leaned into my seat. "Any concerns?"

"Can't pass front security with metal."


"Camera operators will recognize suspicious activity."


"Time is running out."


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