We Will Avenge You

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Jane and Quill hovered at the edge of the bed, tense and worried sick, not just about what might be happening to their new friend but to themselves as well.

She couldn't help but wonder with every yawn if she was experiencing the same problems Aarush was. When she realized that felt a little thirsty, she had to fight a surge of panic that it was a sign of her own imminent death.

Quill looked even worse than she felt. While she was fairly certain that, despite their differences, there was at least a chance of her family learning about her entrapment and helping her, he seemed entirely without hope. He sat on the edge of the bed in silence, facing away from her. He was yawning a bunch, too. Were their brains shutting down? Was this the end?

Aarush drifted in and out of semi-consciousness for the next half hour. At last, he rallied and was able to speak. He formed a weak smile. "I am dying. But I do not think I am going to reincarnate this time."

Quill quickly turned, his eyes sad.

Jane's heart hurt. She squeezed Aarush's hand, wanting to reassure him. "Don't talk like that. We don't know what's really going on."

Aarush's hand twitched. He was too weak to do more. "It is ok. We knew this was going to happen once we got locked in the game. I am sad. But I am also happy to meet you both. You are the first friends I made here. I'm glad it was you. My last day was very fun."

Tears welled, and Jane tried to force a smile. "I'm glad I met you, too. I had a lot of fun playing with you."

"Me, too, Aarush." Quill put a hand on the other man's arm. His eyes had gone red as well. "One strength club. You can't die yet. We have to get stronger. Together. We need you, man."

"I'm sorry, Quill. I..." His eyes went vacant for a long moment but focused again. He rapidly blinked. "I'm sorry, Quill. I would have liked to spend more time...in your...party."

Jane leaned forward. "Aarush!"

"I...wish..." He yawned, then chuckled. "Take my things. I give them to you both. Sorry I don't have more."

Quill shook his head. Tears fell openly now, triggering Jane's own. "We can't. You'll need them. We have to turn in that quest and then take on that rare spawn."

But Aarush didn't seem to hear the words. He stared at the ceiling. "Thank you." At last, he, too, cried. His smile wavered, and drops of water streaked across his dark cheeks. As if it took every ounce of willpower he had, he lifted his free hand just slightly off the bed and pointed upwards. "To infinity...and beyond..." Then his hand fell, his eyes closed, and he lay there, breathing irregularly. A minute later, his breathing stopped.

She focused on him, her heart skipping a beat.

His name faded to gray, and a skull and crossbones appeared next to it like a debuff but indicating true death.

Jane couldn't take it. She stood so fast the chair toppled. Whirling away, sobs overtook her, and she leaned against the wall, unable to control herself.

Behind her, she heard Quill stagger away from the bed. "This can't be happening. This can't fucking be happening!" A loud bang sounded as if he's punched or kicked the door. "Why, dammit? Why?"

She sagged to her knees, head bowed. This wasn't fair. Aarush didn't deserve to die. None of them did. Those horrible, corporate, narcissistic assholes! She hated them!

Was she next? She was bone tired, and her mind had fogged. Was it stress and exhaustion? A late night? Or was she going to die, too?

Quill seemed lost, and she half-heard him rambling in the distance, his words distorted by all the pent-up fear and sadness pouring out of her. His voice was thick. "This isn't right. All it should take is one person to care. One person to see us hooked up to these stupid game machines to get us help, to save us. Billions of us on this planet. How can we be so alone? How can we die alone like this? A hundred different social networks and phones and unparalleled technology. It's all bullshit."

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