Factions and Classes

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Stunned and dejected by the awful turn of events, Quill sat quietly in his seat, mulling things over while the players around him shouted and cried, fought and swore.

What now? Was he really going to go out and play this game? If this was a super bad joke, maybe he should just sit around and wait for a punchline to appear? It didn't feel like a joke, though. It felt like selfish people out for revenge. It wasn't the first time he'd been screwed over.

Before going to Japan, Quill had been involved in soccer leagues in his home city. He'd gotten to know a guy named...well, Quill now only referred to him only as Turd. Turd was a very active, outgoing, personable guy. He seemed to get along with everyone, and Quill had built what he'd thought was a close friendship with him. So when Turd had decided to start a new local co-ed sports league, Quill had offered to help out. And because the new venture wouldn't make money for a while, he'd deferred payment for his services until later.

For a year, the two of them had gotten along great, and become close friends. The league had grown. It brought in money. Quill hadn't thought to question things for a long time, but then he noticed Turd spending a ton of money on himself: eating out multiple times a week, consuming his weight in alcohol, and buying expensive things for his kids. This made Quill feel weird. If he was spending all this cash, why wasn't he paying Quill back for all his time and effort? So he'd gone to Turd and brought it up and even gone so far as to suggest they become official partners.

Turd hadn't liked that. Not one bit. At the suggestion of partnership, he'd gone cold and said, "Don't threaten me."

His sudden change in attitude and the odd response had stunned Quill. Threaten? What? How could partnership be threatening?

The conversation had gone downhill from there. Turd had tried to entice Quill to keep working as a helper only, offering scraps of payment every now and then, but less than Quill was worth. Turd had refused to share his financials and refused to explain how he could spend so much money on other things. So many obvious lies came out, and it was such a total change in behaviour. The guy hadn't acted like a friend at all, only in self-interest. It had felt like Quill was seeing his true nature for the first time, and he'd been shocked at how duped he'd been that year.

The next day, Quill had logged onto social media and found the guy advertising to replace Quill in the organization. When confronted about it, Turd had denied everything, yet his lies were clear. More trust was lost.

Thing is, at the very beginning of all of this, Turd had asked Quill to start a joint bank account with him for the new soccer league. Something about his personal tax situation that he wouldn't explain clearly. At the time, Quill had gone along with it to prove his friendship. Now that all trust had been broken, Quill went to the bank and checked the account, something he'd left entirely in Turd's hands up to that point.

Thousands of dollars sat in the account. Not enough to pay Quill for what he was owed, but a fair chunk. So Quill had taken it. All of it. And closed the account. And then sent Turd an official invoice for what was still owed.

And Turd's personality changed once again. Earlier, he'd gone from friend to wary manipulator. Now he became outright hostile. He'd sent horribly abusive emails to Quill filled with statements designed to hurt him and undermine his confidence. Then Turd had gone around spreading lies across multiple soccer leagues, destroying Quill's reputation and ruining friendships and team relationships. Turd had done everything he could to hurt Quill for having the audacity to stand up for himself. Because it had gotten in the way of Turd's self-interest.

These NOVisionWizard CEOs were the same. The player base and employees had stood up for themselves and demanded better. But selfish people hate it when you refuse to give them what they want. They hate it when you refuse to be manipulated for profit anymore. They lash out. They try to destroy you. They poison the community against you, so you won't spread the truth to them and stop the selfish person from manipulating others. They're evil.

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