Rolling for Attributes

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Entering the large, busy plaza where people were choosing factions turned out to be a little intimidating. Also, seeing how many people had managed to scrounge up some kind of clothing, she felt a little too sexy in nothing but a little apron that didn't cover her backside at all.

Quill, this random guy who'd been kind enough to bring her here, must have noticed her hesitation. He whipped off the flag he was wearing and handed it to her, using his other hand to kind of cover himself. "Here. As nice as the view is, it'll cover a lot more than the apron. So let's switch."

"But then you're going to be the one with the exposed bum."

"And I freely admit, it's not as nice as yours, which I think people would prefer. But it's fine. Really. Take the flag. Make a sarong or something out of it."

Blushing for some silly reason, Jane pulled the apron off and felt embarrassed at her nudity in front of him, though it really wasn't any different than wearing the apron. Maybe it had something to do with the way he quickly averted his eyes out of some gentlemanly ideal, despite the obvious reaction to her body behind his hand. She quickly grabbed the flag and wrapped her body up like she would a towel after a bath. She noticed a few disappointed looks in the crowd. Whatever. This did feel better.

Quill tied the apron around his waist and let the top flop over to create a second layer. It covered his front, but that was all.

She looked him over. He was a little taller than her and had a pretty athletic body. Not bulky at all, but the kind guys get from playing sports regularly. He had short, dark hair. He wasn't all that handsome, but he certainly wasn't awful looking either. Maybe...kind of rugged? That could be due to the hair on his chest and the fact that he probably hadn't shaved in a day or two. He was definitely older than her and had a mature air. Best of all, he wasn't trying to grope her, so that was a plus in his favour.

Together, they walked around the plaza, investigating the various classes. Quill was very polite. He chimed in with his thoughts here and there but didn't try to push her in any direction. Nor did he talk down to her just because this was a video game and she was a girl. She liked that. Eventually, they reached the end of the class statues.

"What do you think?" he asked. "Orange or blue? Horde or Alliance?"

She stood facing the portals with one hand on her hip, biting her lip. This would be a big decision. She wished that she had more information. "Hmm. Thief-assassin is likely overpowered. It always is, which is dumb because they're assassins. You'd think fighters would be the big DPS types. Whatever. Seems like an obvious choice anyway. Warlock might be cool, depending on how hot the incubus is," she joked.

Quill chuckled.

She hummed and hawed. "I don't know. The Horde classes are really cool but also very aggressive. If this were a PC game, I'd totally play alts for at least half of them. But as a main?" She shrugged.

"Keep in mind that we're trapped in here. Your class could be the difference between life and death."

She gave him a flat stare. "Yeah, 'cause I needed even more pressure."

He laughed. "Sorry."

She tapped her chin with a finger. "Um, I think I'm going to stay in Stormstadt. Mage is another obvious choice. Cleric would be super useful. They have a big role in raids, right? Though I'm not sure I could handle that kind of responsibility. I'd hate for the who team to wipe, and it be my fault."

"We usually have multiple healers to avoid that."

"True. The druid... Hmm. To be able to change into different forms. Wouldn't that be so cool?" She turned to him, excited by the idea.

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