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He wasn't there.... when my mom lost her parents due to an arson case at their factory. His phone was switched off because he was in an emergency surgery and he didn't bother to check his phone for any calls and messages even after the surgery.... He got to know about their demise after their funeral was done.....and my mom was done with him too, by then.

So... She decided to stay in Bangkok and take over my grandpa's little garment factory, She was their only child and that's why she inherited everything they it the factory or their small two story house. My parents never get divorced though..... I was living in Bangkok since I was 7 years old. My dad came to visit us only 5 times in Bangkok.... Maybe once in a year. And his last visit was 6 years ago.

I was knocked from my little musings by a frantic knock at the door. I quickly stood up and unlocked the flimsy piece of plastic, opening it and coming face to face with bald and snoring man. He glared at me as he hopped up and down slightly.

“How could you have been inside for so long and still had an accident ??”

He spat at me looking at the wet patch down my leg. I could feel my cheeks reddening. I opened my mouth to tell him that it was his saliva I was washing off, but he barged passed me and shoved me out the door, shutting it with a loud thud.

I stood fuming for a moment before I clenched my fists and went and sat down, muttering unpleasant things to myself.

Ten minutes later, I was bored as hell. The most interesting thing that happened was a young man, in his late teens, travelling alone, dropped his I Pod. Yep, that was it. Our cabin was silent, not even the babies cried !!

It was times like this when I needed ARTHIT...... But… he was ignoring me and I have no idea why ?? !!

One night, I went to sleep talking to him normally, the next day… nothing. He wasn’t listening at all, in fact he was blocking everything I threw at him. So, in my stubborn way of thinking, I am ignoring him back, and have been doing that from the past week.

Torture...... Pure torture.

I have never been so bored in my entire life, literally. Arthit was always there to entertain me when I was bored or upset, but not anymore. Honestly, it hurt that I was being ignored. I considered Arthit as my best friend, the one person I could trust with anything and everything. He knew me better than my own mother did, but that can’t be helped.

You see, Arthit and I… we have never met, we have never even spoken one word to each other. Yet I know him back to front. I know his every quirk, every mannerism, everything.

Because....... Arthit and I are linked.

You see, ever since I can remember, I have been able to hear Arthit in my mind. When I was a child, I didn’t understand why no-one else could hear the same voice I could, but after a few concerned looks from my mum, I decided to play dumb and stop asking.

It was then I knew that something was wrong with this.

When you grow up with something, you don’t question it !! Like if you grew up, being taught that yellow is pink !! You would know that because that is all you have been told, that is all you know. So I never questioned the voice in my head until I grew older.

People called me a freak, a weirdo, the scary boy. Children are cruel, and if it wasn’t for Arthit calming me down I would have been in fist fights countless times. But in truth, it was Arthit what caused all those problems.

I couldn’t explain to the teachers why I would burst out laughing in an exam when nothing was even remotely funny. I couldn’t tell them that the man in my mind's best friend Bright, has mixed salt in his favourite Pink milk, Arthit chased him with a pastry in his hand and when he gets a hold on his best friend he smudged that dessert on his face and hair, as an revenge.

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