"...so very sad for you..."

491 34 14

Can we talk, please?


Felix, please.

Incoming call from Felix.sun...


  "We need to talk."

  Felix clicked his tongue and stood up from his bed.

  "What is there to talk about? Huh? You cheated and you knew what you were doing." Felix stated.

   "I didn't want you to find out like that." Hyunjin said.

  The blond scoffed, "Oh, well if you didn't want me to find out like this then it makes it all better, doesn't it?"


  "Don't Hyunjin. You fucked with Shuhua and you knew what you were doing. Right now, I can't figure out the worst part of it. The fact that you knew, the fact that you actually did it, or hell maybe the fact that you never even said a simple sorry."

   "Shuhua never said sorry either." Hyunjin mentioned.

   Felix shook his head and put his phone on speaker, then tossed it on his bed.

   "She did, twice. She tried to the day after we broke up, but I was too upset to even see her and the next time the next week. She didn't even know that we were in a relationship.

   Chan on one of his calls with Soyeon mentioned to her that you and I were dating, but told her not to tell anyone, since he didn't mean to tell her.

   After Shuhua explained and apologised profusely, I contacted Soyeon and she confirmed that none of the girs knew about you and I until Shuhua came home the morning after your hook up and she told them, because she was sure you and I were still together." Felix told him.

  "Felix, I thought I didn't love you anymore."

   Felix clenched his jaw.

"You are honestly pathetic right now. If you think that, you don't cheat with one of our friends, you talk to me and we work it out, we take some space, and if you find that you don't love me then, we amicably break up and move on.

  What happened not only destroyed our relationship as a couple, but destroyed any chance we could have had as just friends. It nearly wrecked Minho and Jisung's relationship. It strained Jisung and Changbin's relationship.

  It very well could have destroyed 00 line. No one besides you, I, and well Shuhua in 00 line knows who you slept with, they only know that we aren't together anymore and that you slept with someone, just not in which order."

    "You can't just blame me for this, Felix."

  "Trust me for a good while I was pissed at Shuhua, but then I realised that it wasn't fair considering she didn't know we were engaged- no, wait let me rephrase that- no one knew we were engaged not even our closest friends." Felix said.

  Hyunjin clicked his tongue, "I'm not talking about Shuhua, I mean you."

  "Now, that is a new low. One I thought we never would have reached, guess I was wrong. Are we going to go for the classic argument? The one that goes I pushed you into cheating because I wasn't paying enough attention to you or are we going for a new one? A variation possibly, I mean there are so many."

    "Felix, you cheated first and you cheated with Sunwoo."

  Felix pursed his lips, then spoke, "I feel so very sad for you right now Hyunjin, I really do."

   "What you're not going to deny it?"

   The younger shook his head.

  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you to truth so the is no point. Goodbye, Hyunjin." Felix said, ending the call.

   Felix bit his lip and closed his eyes, tears that had begun to collect falling.

  Civilised calls we can't even do that...

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