Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm, which had I set for 5:00 am. I know I shouldn't be awake that early because school starts at 8:00. I woke up 3 hours earlier because I had to study for extra hours, even though I didn't need it.

It was cold this morning. I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm. Although I wanted to press the snooze button, I knew my parents wouldn't like that.

"Wake up Davin, start on your studies," my mom said as she barged into the room.

"Wake up, I need you to get your full marks on all your work, so you will be the greatest doctor in the world," my dad followed.

I wasn't ready for the talk again; I had already had enough of it.

"I'm awake. Give me 20 minutes to get ready," I told them. Trying to convince them to give me an hour without studying.

"No get up, I want you to be the best like you always have been," my dad barked.

I don't even know why they are awake that early, like would they be awake if I hadn't been born? my mom opened my blinds, the sun hadn't risen yet so it was still dark outside. I pushed the blanket off of me and made my way to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom, I saw my parents had set up my desk right in front of theirs so they could watch me as if I was a baby. Ugh, I hated those actions of theirs.

Anyway, after I finished getting changed, I walked to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. It looked like my mom, out of boredom, had made some poor oatmeal; I tasted it and acted like it was delicious, and tried not to barf it out.

"Thank you mom it was great," I said putting the dishes in the dishwasher. It was one of my chores. If I finished all my chores and I aced my subjects in school, they would let me have my phone for the weekend. Yes, they were very strict. I couldn't go out with friends after school, nor could I read books if they weren't the school's curriculum.

It felt like a jail I can't do anything unless I have finished my work, and that is not how life is supposed to be. After I was at my desk, my parents gave me the same lecture they give me every time, it had been said many times I knew what they had to say next, as they were finishing I was saying it under my breath trying not to look bored.

Finally, it was done I could start what they wanted me to do even though I didn't want to, but I would do anything to make them happy. Honestly, there have been times when I felt like giving up everything, when I think about it I have nothing that valuable in my life that I am fighting for.

Some people think just because I can't do something I truly want to do I shouldn't be mad at my parents because they want the best for me, but sometimes I honestly think they don't even know what is best for them.


It has been a while that I have been studying, I enjoy it sometimes, but not all the time. I wasn't keeping track of time, because it was those times that I was enjoying studying, which came as a surprise to me. After all, I had such a bad morning.

"Are you finished studying Davin?" my dad asked as he looked away from his computer.

"Yes, I did all of the work you assigned me," I answered.

"Okay that is great, I'm glad you are doing everything you have been told, but it's time for school, so get your bag ready before the school bus comes, because I'm not driving you."

I did as he said, but those words kind of affected me. What if I missed the bus? What would I do then if he didn't drive me to school?

I thought he always wanted the best for me.

I got on the bus, I tried to find my empty seat. I sat by the window and got out the notepad that I only used when I wasn't around my parents because I used it for writing my thoughts, but they didn't want me to write unless it was for school.

I thankfully got to school on time. I knew it would be a hard day at school, because I had a few exams and I had studied a little too much, again because of my parents.

I wanted the school day to come to an end, because I had English class in the last period, and I wanted to go show my teacher some things I had been working on.

It was lunchtime, I made my way to the cafeteria then I remembered I hadn't got my allowance this week, I guess no food for me today, since my parents had "an important meeting" and they weren't going to be home tonight.

I also wasn't allowed to make food for myself, my mom didn't trust me with ratio and working in the kitchen, although I love staying in the kitchen when my mom is making food. I hate that my parents won't let me do the things I love.

I decided to go to the library to look for some information on the genre I was writing about. I had been wanting to talk to my parents about my sexuality since there was a school dance coming up this weekend, where the girls asked the guys, but the problem was I wanted to ask out a girl, but I wasn't even sure if they would allow me to go, but I had to wait till tomorrow morning. I was hesitating because of all the shock I would bring to my parents and they would ground me for a whole month.

It was finally English class, I asked Mr. Wilson to stay for a second, and he was glad to stay.

"Sir what do you think," I asked as he was reading through the pages of the small notepad.

"I think it's fantastic, I will think about giving you an assignment and see how you do, if it's good I will show it to Mr. Whitehead if he likes it as well you might get a scholarship to one of the best writing schools in the state" he suggested, Mr. Whitehead was our principle.

"Thank you Sir, but I am sure my parents wouldn't like that, they want me in a medical college, not literature, but I would take it if I could. Thank you."

"You should follow what you like not what your parents like it's your life isn't it? But then again you should listen to them"

"Thank you, sir, for your time but I should get going," I said as I walked out of the classroom. I didn't want to miss the bus or I would have to walk home which was 5 miles away.

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