Chapter 2

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⚠ TW: Mention of blood ⚠

*The next day*

I woke up to the sunlight in my eyes there was a bit of noise downstairs, which meant that my parents were home it would be the perfect time to ask them about the dance and my sexuality. I made my way to the kitchen to find my dad making something

"Good morning dad how did the meeting go yesterday?" I asked, I went and sat down on one of the chairs on the island

"Good morning, it was good" he answered coldly. His back to me.

"So where is mom?" I asked.

"She is upstairs getting ready"

"Okay when she comes down can I talk to you about something," I said, "by the way can I get my allowance you haven't given it to me yet."

"Yeah it's on my desk, you can go get it now," he said and didn't even ask what I had for lunch yesterday. So careless.

I went to the office and there was about 50$ I got it and went up to my room, I put it in my purse, and made my way downstairs, my parents were already at the table looking all serious. I sat down and went straight for the food I was starving.

"Okay why don't you slow down and talk about whatever you wanted to talk about," my mom said

"Oh sorry I am just really hungry-"

"I don't care talk already" my mom interrupted. She is in a mood.

Wow. they teach me how to respect, but know none themselves.

"Okay so if you didn't know there is this dance at the end of the month and I was wondering if I could go for an hour only," I said looking at their faces for any type of reaction. they didn't say anything so I continued.

"It's a new type of dance where the girls ask out the guy, I wanted to go." I finished.

"Ha, it's not like any boy would say YES to you!" My mom snorted.

"Mom I wanted to ask out a girl to go with me!" I said nervously.

You might think I'm stupid, but I see all those people on Tik Tok come out to their parents, and their reactions are so good, and they are always supportive.

I was starting to get worried, my parents weren't giving me a reaction, they were processing what I had just said. They were homophobic. I didn't even think they would accept me. Why did I even ask?

I wish I hadn't said anything, why can't shut my big fucking mouth? And enjoy my breakfast peacefully? Instead, my big fat ass ( not that I am fat, but it sounds better to make myself feel worse) decided to blabber about some random school shit that I don't even care about. My mind was going crazy, with not them answering I was going to panic.

Why did I say that? I should have thought about it more! But my mom pushed me to say that, she didn't believe I would get a date.

"WHAT?!" my dad yelled, smacking his hand on the table.


"I-I-" I stuttered.

"Wow you don't have anything to say now do you, that is what I thought," mom said.

"I... I thought you wanted the best for me and wanted for me to be happy," I told them.

"We do but that is not how you are going to be happy," my dad said as he was calming down.

"Well I believe this is the way I am going to be happy, I didn't ask you what was right or wrong. What I am asking is are you going to accept me or not?" I asked.

"NO," they say simultaneously, as if they have rehearsed this, and were waiting for it.

"Well, then why should I stay here? if you want me to act differently around you!"

"You don't have anywhere to go" my mom reminded me.

"I will find a place, anywhere is better than here. I hate the way you treat me as if I'm a fucking computer and you save whatever you want in me, even though it's useless." I finished, getting up from the table.


"NO, I AM SICK OF STUDYING I NEED A BREAK FROM IT, FROM EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE," I yelled back, feeling the starting of a fire inside me, all the anger, and sadness I have been keeping inside for so long, I was on the verge of tears when I finished talking, but I didn't want to look weak in front of them.

I went up to my room slammed the door and locked it instantly, scared that my dad might come up and yell at me even more. It's not like I need any more of it.

I stuff a few things in my backpack making sure I put in my small notepad, extra clothes, my phone, and my favorite book that I had been hiding under my bed to hide from my parents. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but not any footsteps heavy and angry stomps. It was my dad.

He was mad. He knocked harshly on the door, almost breaking it. I didn't dare to open the door, scared of the man behind it.

I hid in my closet. I heard a loud kick and crash, they the doors of the closet opened with a jolt, so fast that it hit my nose.

I felt a drip of wetness on my upper lip. I touched it, and took a look at my hand there was a drop of blood. The door must have hit me hard after my dad kicked it. He reached his hand out and grabbed the collar of my shirt, he dragged me out of the closet and threw me on my bed. He got closer with his fist in the air, I tried to crawl away from him, but my bed was up against the wall, so there was no place for me to go. He punched me right on my cheekbone, and he went on a few more times and punched different parts of my face.

By the time my mom stopped him, my face was covered with blood, from all the cuts on my father's knuckles and my broken nose.

"We shouldn't have picked her anyway, let her go, or you know what they'll do," my mom told him as he calmed down a bit.

I grabbed my bag and ran away from them, stopping to open the front door, then rushing through and not closing it, I ran across the front yard and ran as far as I could.

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