Chapter 48:- One Radcliffe Line

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Content Warning:- Violence

"Have you thought about your mother?"

Mother.....That was all she thought about when she decided to pull away from Haseena. Will now be any different from the last time?

It has to be. No other outcome is acceptable to Karishma.

"I am not sure how will she react but I will make her understand. Dadi this..." Karishma brought forward their intertwined hands." this has made me start living. All my life, I have been subject to the scrutiny of the world. I have lived in shadows for far too long. I Love her and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not ashamed of who I am and who I choose to love. I know it's difficult for you to hear. But it's the truth. This is who I'm. I don't expect you to accept it or wrap your head around it quickly but I hope that this won't change the care you have for me. "

Dadi chose silence and this quietness was scaring Karishma to death. Both ladies were unable to evaluate dadi's expressions. Was she angry? Was she disgusted or disappointed? What exactly was going on in dadi's head?

"Will you say something dadi? You are scaring me."

"Pushpa is waiting. Let's eat something first "Dadi left the room. Karishma broke down in Haseena's arms as soon as Dadi left. Haseena held her and comforted her. "I am here Karishma. Whatever happens, I will always be here."

"I don't understand Haseena. Will she portray us as some untouchables to Amma? or did she just totally ignore our existence? What shall I make of it? "

"As she said, let's have dinner first. I am sure she will have something to say at the table. Just know that I am here for you."

They both headed to the living room. Everyone sat at the table. They still couldn't predict what Dadi might be thinking or how she is processing it.

 Karishma didn't bother to put food on her plate. She was too occupied with the thoughts of what Dadi might do or say.

"Pushpa, I told you about my mother's story," Dadi asked when Pushpa was putting some food on her Plate.

"Yes, when I was little."

"But I only told you about her state after we migrated from Pakistan. I never shared what she was like in our old home. What our lives were like in Multan. " Dadi's eyes were moist. 

"Surprisingly yes and I never asked. But where is this coming from?" 

Dadi avoided the last question and continued, " Everyone was so happy. Everything was " Dadi paused, perhaps she needed someone to hold her hand while dictating this. "Do you know that my mother was in love with someone?"

"You never told me but I figured it out. But Why are you bringing this now?"

Dadi again dodged the question. It was as if she was in some other dimension. "You the remember the Sohni-Mahiwal story."

Dadi's state was worrisome. Instead of saying something, Pushpa just nodded.

"There was no Mahiwal in her story. She rather cried for her Sohni every night."

Haseena and Karishma looked at each other.  Are they hearing it right? Is it what they think it is? Pushpa ji was confused.

"What are you talking abou..." Pushpa was interrupted by her mother before she could complete the sentence.

"I never conveyed this part right to you. It was a different time. But today, I should tell you the whole truth." Dadi shifted her gaze towards Haseena and Karishma.

"Ever since I remember opening my eyes, She has been there. For others, she was Amina Khala but for me, it was Ammi or Amina. She preferred Ammi. I was too little to understand the nature of my mother and her relationship at the time but the love they shared never went unnoticed. She always smelled like freshly plucked jasmine flowers.  

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