Chapter 39:- The Fallen one will rise again

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Karishma's POV

Her house is 20 mins away but this ride feels like taking forever. There is weird restlessness in my body. The excitement of telling her is intense. My brain keeps playing the different scenarios of her reaction.  The nervousness is also at its peak. Before today, I never knew that anxiety, enthusiasm, fear and confidence, all could be felt at once. I was fired up with this new feeling. I don't know what entails in future. At this moment, all I can think about is telling her how I always felt about her. 

The cab stopped in front of her house. I quickly rushed to the door after giving the fare to the driver. I didn't even bother to ask him for change.  I am finally doing it. Taking charge of my life and my feelings. 



It's 10 minutes already and she is not answering the door. Her phone is also going to voicemail. The excitement is fading away and panic is rising. oh! I remember her secret hiding place for the spare key. I should better be looking for it. 

And I found it........ I really hope she is sleeping or listening to music with her headphones on. But as I unlocked the door, there is this strange feeling in the air. A bizarre gust of wind that's yelling something. Perhaps, admonishing me for my idiocy. 

I don't know what I was thinking coming here. That it will be some sort of rom-com movie ending? That I'll spread my arms and she will run towards me instantly? I got so swept away in my head that it never occurred to me that it might be too late. 

It's Empty. The couch, TV, side table, her bed. Everything is gone. Her house is empty. She left and took everything with her. Her essence, her laughter, her constant struggle with hair while cooking, her soothing hugs,  her irritation with the sun whenever I was next to her, no trace of them was to be found anywhere. 

The House no longer held her presence. The air no longer carried her Frangrance. The walls no longer harboured her touch. The house is withering already. And I feel like a flower, that no longer belongs to the garden. The fallen one, waiting to be crushed.

The air that some days ago was filled with her essence was suffocating me. Seems like I was not the only one affected, I could see walls crying for her touch, air craving for her scent, and my body..

My body longed for her sight. I was lying in the middle of the living room staring at the ceiling, not knowing what to do or think. My brain was not able to collect the thought of her leaving. I could no longer feel my tears. Was this how she felt? or even worse? I was there and yet she yearned. She took away my peace, my thoughts, and my sanity. I guess that's the Karma for what I did to her. She was my colour, my journey, my destination and yet I choose to be clueless. Had I not been oblivious, this day would have never come. I would have never let her go. I would have kept us safe. Away from this world, Away from all the chaos. 

Now that she is not here, my heart longs for nothing. It only pounds and quivers for her presence. Now that she is gone, my soul is betraying me. It wants to be where she is. I could no longer find solace. My heart's broken melody is calling for her.

I was a fool. I couldn't imagine the pain she endured, the things I made her go through. And for what? It seems very vague and childish now. Why couldn't I figure it out earlier? It was right there and I chose not to look.  I choose not to act upon it. Please come back Haseena. I promise that I'll never dare to do anything that will remotely hurt you. 

Karishma's POV ends


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