Chapter 44:- The Fondness for Breaking Apart

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With you 
I am what they call a soul with a purpose

A soul full of meaning and life


Haseena looked at J in irritation. 

"Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't ask her to ruin your mating ritual. But seriously.....Washroom?"  J looked around with a disgusted expression. 

Haseena ignored the comment and started fixing her dress. Whereas, Karishma didn't quite know what to do or how to feel. After their last encounter, she doesn't want to acknowledge Ritika's existence. But Ahad being Haseena's close friend makes the plan a lot more complicated. She wants to talk this through with Haseena but doesn't know how. 

Ritika entered the washroom along with some of her friends. Haseena greeted them and gave a genuine comment about the dress she was wearing. "Congratulations once again. Having fun or organizers bothering you with every little inconvenience?" Haseena asked. 

Ritika's eyes halted at Karishma and then she said, "Ahad's parents handled everything. They made sure that we relish every bit of it. And I can see that you guys are enjoying it too."

Just then Haseena noticed their smudged lipstick and Karishma's loose blouse. She covered up by saying, "Food you know....It's so delicious that it ruined our makeup. That's why we are here for a touch-up. And meet my friend Karishma. We work in the same station." Haseena placed her hand on Karishma's back to bring her forward and used this opportunity to tie the first hook of her blouse. 

Ritika's eyes were fixed on Karishma and twitched upon listening to the word friend, "aah! Yes, We met at the engagement celebration. and I see that she hasn't taken my advice."

Haseena cluelessly asked, "What advise?"

"Didn't she tell you? She and I go way back." 

Karishma saw a little smirk lying on Ritika's face. Karishma was irked at the audacity of Ritika's action with the intention of causing a rift between her and Haseena. It didn't intimidate her but surely it pissed her off. She looked into Ritika's eyes as if she will tear her apart in seconds and said, "I don't care about some asshole's opinion. "

Haseena and J looked at Karishma in shock, and then at each other confirming if they heard it correctly. Ritika was beyond stunned. She thought that she could play Karishma and manipulate her just like she did in college. she never knew that Karishma was capable of conveying such a remark or taking a stand for herself. 

Karishma's agitation knew no boundaries and before she could let herself indulge in a fight, she stormed off followed by Haseena and J. Ritika wanted to fire back but Karishma didn't give her a chance.

"Karishma? What was that?" Haseena asked while catching up with Karishma's pace. She noticed Karishma's infuriating eyes. 

Karishma thought that Ritika did not affect her but in her mere presence, she felt this anger rushing out. She was more annoyed by how Ritika's words made her feel. Her mind teleported to the night of their confrontation and the remembrance of their conversation made her feel worse. She thought that she was past this, that her history won't dictate her future. But aren't we all the products of our past? We can process it but cannot ignore it and Karishma has been dodging the bullet for far too long. 

"Can we please go back to our room?" Karishma asked with a tinge of irritation. Haseena looked at J.

"Yea....You guys go. I'll come up with something and clear up things with Ahad." J assured the couple.

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