Chapter 40:- My Hymn of her

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Karishma was staring at the address that J sent her, and then at the house she was standing in front of. It was locked and knocks went unanswered. Karishma decided to wait on the porch. A million thoughts were running through her head. The storm of love that once Haseena possessed, was in Karishma's court now. She was foolish enough not to harbour it before. And now that it was carrying her, she was afraid. She was afraid of Haseena dismissing it. She was afraid that Haseena might not want to reside in the same hail as before. Nevertheless, she was there to fight for it.

After waiting for almost an hour, her eyes fell on the person that was coming towards the house. Her fidgety body relaxed on just getting one glimpse of this person. The thoughts that were bothering her before vanished. The air this person brought, reminded Karishma of every second she spent away from her love. Her eyes became content on seeing the person she ached for. The dawn of union that she craved, has started to greet her. Her wandering soul which has been restless ever since she pushed Haseena away, decided to reside in her body this while.

Haseena was a few steps away from the house. Her hands were full of grocery bags and the humidity of Mumbai certainly irritated her.

"Still struggling with hair. Why won't she ever tie them properly? 
Oh! How much I  have missed looking at her endlessly. I missed my body's betrayal on her arrival. I have missed her and the emotions she used to bring out in me.  "

Karishma was still reminiscing about the Haseena Effect when Haseena's eyes fell on her. She was unhinged by Karishma's presence. She walked past her and murmured, "Great! My dreams weren't enough for you. Now You have decided to haunt me in the world of living as well."

Haseena thought that it was some figment of her imagination. How could Karishma be here? Has she started going crazy? She decided to ignore Karishma. She thought that her brain was playing tricks on her. She put down the grocery bags and grabbed her purse for the keys. She unlocked the door and went in with the bags.

Karishma not sure what to make out of this interaction, followed her inside the house. "Haseena......" Karishma was interrupted. "Oh! wah! Now she talks?" Haseena started organizing groceries in the kitchen. "You really need to see a doctor Haseena....You didn't move all the way here to get tortured by your imaginative Karishma." Haseena mumbled.

Karishma stepped into the kitchen and turned Haseena by holding her hand. "I am not some figment or a trick of your brain. It's me. I am really here. "

Haseena shrugged her hand and moved away. She started fresh in Mumbai so that she could not see Karishma and be constantly reminded of her unrequited love. I guess the universe never made it easy for Haseena. The person she ran away from was standing in front of her. "You can't be.......What are you doing here? and how do you know where I live?"

Karishma opened her mouth to say something but Haseena interjected "Why won't you leave me to be? I told you that I cannot see you with someone else. I cannot be your friend. Please go away. And don't you have a wedding to be at? " Haseena was controlling the storm that was building inside her. She so wanted to hold Karishma and melt in her embrace. But she knows that's not feasible. The thought of it will only torment her more. So, she was busy keeping her emotions intact.

"Haseena....I am sorry. I know I am the last person you want to see right now. Just hear me out and then I'll leave. "

Haseena recollected herself and managed to ask "What is it?"

"I am so so sooo sorry Haseena. My boneheadedness has gotten us here. I cancelled my wedding. And there wouldn't have been one to cancel in the first place if it wasn't for my stupidity. "

Haseena confused expressions demanded answers.

"Farhan was a mistake. I don't love him and neither was he my boyfriend." Karishma lowered her gaze and gulped. "we met a few times and exchanged texts but we were nothing more than friends, ever! My marriage would have been a sham to the world. A lie I put myself in and let the world believe it." She moved closer and her gaze shifted to Haseena. "I Let you believe it. Why I did that? Because I was scared. Too scared of myself, too timid to face reality, and too concerned about others' opinions. But what was I supposed to do? 

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