Chapter 46:- Inked

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Haseena POV

The ferocious night has come to an end. The melodies our bodies played, the notes our voice caught, the symphony we created all night, early morning and this afternoon is still vibrating in the air. We twirled, curled and danced our bodies together.

She is sleeping peacefully beside me. Well! Half on me. We hardly slept for 3 hours but she looks so serene. Somehow the tiredness isn't reflected on her face. And how can I sleep when her warm breaths are falling on my chest? How can I do that when my dreamgirl is lying naked next to me?

Allah! It's so cheesy. Isn't it? But I can't help it. It's the truth. I imagined myself with her and then came a time when even the thought of it became unbearable. And now she is with me, all mine and I am hers in every way.

She nuzzled more into me and then slowly made me her bed. The friction created by our naked bodies is surely making things difficult for me. My body can't resist her. We have been going on for hours now, yet the desire to taste her again is reenergized.

"Karishma?" I nudged her. She hmmmed me in her sleep and I kept troubling her until she decided to open her eyes.

"Morning Haseena Mallik" A cheerful smile kindled her lips. "You are a punishment to my lungs."

"Karishma Singh, If you haven't noticed, You decided to change beds in your sleep. And this new bed of yours is slowly being crushed under your weight. and I am punishment to your lungs? how so? "

She laughed and then said, "because" She moved her fingers on my lips and the mole beside them. " they forget to breathe each time I see you. " she shifted herself beside me "Sorry for smothering you in sleep."

I took her in my arms and shifted her again on top of me.  "I like your weight on me. and especially when you are naked."

"You like many things. And especially the notes my voice can touch when you are busy making me scream."

I felt heat rushing in and making my cheeks red at her comment. She is right. I love how she takes my name. A little breather after "Ha" with a pinch of relief in "see" and ending "na" in a high-pitched tone.  The way she calls me " Haseena", holds power to revive me from death. 

"How come J didn't disturb us? It's afternoon. Isn't she curious about what we have been up to after that Ritika fiasco?" She asked.

"she knows when to give space"

"yaa..  and these thin walls pretty much gave her the idea."

"I can give her more ideas." I nestled more into her neck and started placing wet kisses.

"You had your chance early morning. And we have been going on and on. We should start getting ready for the wedding." She tried hard to dwell down the desires I just kindled.

"Why did you have to bring up marriage? Listen, Karishma, You don't have to attend. And I am virtually smacking my head for emotionally blackmailing you to get here."

"It's ok Haseena. Your blackmail got us here" She winked. "And as long as I have you to hold me, I don't mind watching her getting married. I hope you know that I am over her. it's just that it triggers something in me. A part of me I don't want to remember. "

"I understand that. My Karishma." I cupped her face and gave her a gentle kiss. Her eyes landed on my wrist.

"You did not?" She jerked up from bed and pulled my hand to see it more clearly. "Did you? Haseena?" Her face gave thousand expressions and her eyes were welling up.

"Yup! That day after work, I went to get it permanently inked." She kissed my tattoo. She traced the word "Karishma" on my wrist and gave me a look that would also get permanently inked on my heart. And then swiped her fingers across "For Eternity and Beyond" and pulled me into a bone-crushing tight hug. Our naked bodies were complementing each other and I felt things I am supposed to ignore. Well because firstly, she is simping over my tattoo and secondly, we need to get ready for making it on time for the wedding. Why her skin has to torture me like that?

"Was this tattoo a mistake? your action created this reaction in me that I am to ignore? A very unfortunate event." She lightly slammed my arm and got up wrapping herself in the blanket. She threw me some clothes and said, "How come I missed it yesterday?"

"because it was covered with my bangles." I put on the shorts she gave me. "and then your focus was pretty much on..." I bridged the gap between us, slid my arms on her waist through the blanket and threw us on the bed. She was naked and I was topless. She was on top of me, watching me as if I was some ice cream she needs to eat before it melt.

"My focus was on?" She said while tracing my lips with her eyes.

I brought her into a kiss. It went on to be a ferocious one. A hungry one. A hunger that we both satisfied but came back as soon as our lips touched. I cupped her breasts and moved my other hand to her hips. I flipped us, sandwiched her between sheets and slowly readjusted my hand on her inner thigh. A moan escaped as soon as I touched her down there. She immediately stopped my hand and got out of the kiss. "The...." She was breathing heavily. "the thing......we are here for.."

"The wedding you mean?" I couldn't help but smirk.

"Yes, That........and don't you dare to tease me" Karishma quickly got up and went to the washroom.

Now, what do I do? I guess I will have to put on some clothes finally.


We are getting ready in front of the dressing table. She was sitting on the stool while I was busy finding a view to set my hair.

"Karishma? Please give me some space. Do you want me to go like this?" I pointed at my messy hair.

"No way!" She got up. "This view is only reserved for me. Here" she made me sit in front of the mirror. "Style them all you want. "

"By the way," She said while packing our bags. "My Dadi is coming over next week. I would like you to meet her. "

"Oh? I would love to. And especially after you told me about their love for folk stories. "

"You are going to hit it off with my dadi" She laughed and then stopped as if an unwanted realization hit her.

"Everything okay Karishma? Is it the wedding?"

"No, I just thought of introducing you to my dadi. But What will I say? I so want to yell to the world that you are my girlfriend and we are together but .."

"We don't have to declare our love Karishma. "

"It's not about declaring Haseena. It's about feeling free. Free to live how we want. out and proud without any barriers. But this world won't let us. Forget the world, my dadi won't accept it and I don't even want to think about Amma's reaction. "

"Remember Karishma. Our parents love us. No matter what we do, they won't stop caring for us."

"I hope they understand. "

"I'll be there with you." "Now shall we drift off to the wedding?"

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